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lonelydriver187 t1_jayna1o wrote

one person is not a good sample size


Jackdaw99 t1_jaysd0c wrote

No, of course it's not. But -- of course -- I knew the backgrounds and paths of those classmates who were my friends, as well as friends from high school who had much the same sort of choices. Nevertheless, I'm not claiming this is dispositive: all I said was that the OP's contention it wasn't my experience. If anything, his evidence, with an apparent sample size of 0, is even thinner than mine.


Roughneck16 OP t1_jdmhanu wrote

According this site:

Someone with perfect grades and scores only has a 14% chance of getting into Princeton.


Jackdaw99 t1_jdvv2j7 wrote

Perfect grades and scores aren't really the determining factors: recommendations, extracurriculars, and above all the application essay count for more, provided your test scroes are good enough.


uncre8tv t1_jdmo0jt wrote

Man, if the other two only knew what a bullet they dodged.


Jackdaw99 t1_jdmpk7s wrote

I'm guessing your own math skills are a little lacking.