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ketzu OP t1_jbx7d0a wrote

Datasource is a scientific article:

I am not affiliated with the article or authors at all, I just used their published data.

The plot was made using seaborns violin plot and some surrounding stuff (file link).

violin = sb.violinplot(data, x='income', y='wellbeing', scale='count', inner='quartile', width=1.3)
violin.set(xlabel="Income Bracket", ylabel="Wellbeing")
violin.set_xticks(range(15), labels)
violin.set_title("Violin Plot of Wellbeing Distribution, Including Q1, Median, Q3 Highlights")

I also made another plot using pyplot to generate statistics accross the income brackets (p10, q1, median, q3 and p90). I like hat one more, but it is even less pretty.