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AverageCowboyCentaur t1_jd8hq0s wrote

Same there is no weather app that comes close. It's a damn shame that Apple bought them out. Their own weather app is horrible and nowhere near as user-friendly as the dark sky app.

There is no current option on Android or iPhone, even on the web, that provides quick up-to-date and accurate weather like they did.

So perfect, so beautiful, and it had everything you needed with appropriate notifications when you wanted them.


mindless900 t1_jd8m0ql wrote

It is mostly still available in the built in iOS Weather App... But it isn't quite the same UI/UX and is missing some data/features.


brokenearth03 t1_jd8n35t wrote

Doesn't matter if the background is pure dark sky, the apple UI is trash in comparison.


TackoFell t1_jdc8gu5 wrote

I’ve noticed that the radar forward casting in the apple version is awful. Like you cross “now” and the entire storm front makes a hard direction turn.

So I don’t actually trust it at all, where with DarkSky and some other apps if they said “rain starting in 6 minutes” I’d feel fine going for a 5 minute walk.


Hemenway t1_jda6wsi wrote

Have you tried Windy?


SWOsome t1_jdabzd0 wrote

Windy is amazing, but I see them as two separate uses. Windy gives you data. A shit ton of data. It’s great for weather nerds and those that rely on accurate weather data. Windy was incredibly valuable to me navigating the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Coast. The wave height and wind visualization is outstanding.

Dark sky is better for the consumer though IMO. It just did a better job of answering the question: do I need an umbrella at this location at this time?


Motoroadies t1_jdc1pbw wrote

Try or the app by the same name. Loads quick and plenty of data. Pulls from different models across the globe.