Submitted by millennial-money t3_xublij in dataisbeautiful
wickzyepokjc t1_iquriwr wrote
Move out of the sticks, fella.
yourangleoryuordevil t1_iqurjql wrote
I had to reread that part twice.
princess_sofia t1_iqurnf3 wrote
LOL I thought this was yearly income and was so confused how they were saving so much
OyvenGlaven t1_iqurqcp wrote
$30k monthly income and $1,625 in rent and utilities? What is happening here?
CSGB13 t1_iqurt1y wrote
Like, 360k per year! Even if it’s two people, those are crazy high earners
yourangleoryuordevil t1_iqurx64 wrote
I thought that was unusual, too. Many people I know who make much, much less spend about that much and even more on rent per month.
Effective_Hope_3071 t1_iqury3e wrote
Echelon? Epsilon? Something like that. Swanky gym
yourangleoryuordevil t1_iqus1e8 wrote
Maybe a personal trainer’s fees are included in that?
millennial-money OP t1_iqusi7d wrote
My partner and I split rent for a 2br/2ba in a nice, newish building with lots of amenities and an Amazon Hub locker in the mailroom (we got a great deal during the pandemic and they’ve raised the rent manageable amounts twice since then). So the 1625 is my portion of rent plus utilities.
millennial-money OP t1_iqusm5m wrote
You are correct. “Gym” includes classes at my MMA gym and personal training 1x a week.
Calm_Age_6555 t1_iqusnhr wrote
Wow, only your monthly state income tax is equivalent to my monthly house payment. A 3400sqft mansion in Texas.
millennial-money OP t1_iqusrvx wrote
That’s California for you… I shouldn’t complain though. I am very blessed.
[deleted] t1_iquthwa wrote
magnesiumb t1_iquu6b0 wrote
These numbers were making ZERO sense to me because I thought it was 30k yearly, so my head started to hurt trying to make sense of what was going on.
Read it again and saw it's MONTHLY and my head began to hurt for a whole different reason. 😂 You do 1,000 dollars of traveling a month??
millennial-money OP t1_iquuc2z wrote
Hmm, what a strange comment. Congrats on spending more money, I guess? I couldn’t imagine spending $5600/mo just on transportation, but cars are not my thing. And I thought my food expense was high, but yours is making me feel better
How are you saving and investing nothing on 30k a month? Your expenses account for over 95% of your take-home income.
dafunkmunk t1_iquukq1 wrote
What gym is costing you almost $600/month? Are you building a gym from scratch?
millennial-money OP t1_iquunhz wrote
Everything here is the average of the past 12 months, so I spent about 12k on travel in the past 12 months (which really isn’t bad). My partner and I both love to travel. We usually take 2 1-2 week international trips a year and several shorter (read: cheaper) trips, like camping, visiting a national park, etc. Covid didn’t slow our travels down - we just adjusted where we went based on restrictions and flight availability, and remote work made it easier to get away, in some ways.
-Ernie t1_iquurft wrote
>$60.000 on dental and $5,000 on a hospital bill.
So $360K/year but no health insurance?
toastyhoodie t1_iquv9r9 wrote
I hope you understand the a large proportion of Americans don’t make remotely that much. But nice flex I guess?
[deleted] t1_iquxd44 wrote
Effective_Hope_3071 t1_iquxemd wrote
Yeah, it's more like 300 a month though right?
neurodiverseotter t1_iquy6mc wrote
Are you really surprised you can pay up to an unlimited amount of money for fitness stuff in SoCal?
NewTennis1088 t1_iqv2hk6 wrote
I thought it's yealry and was outraged by the taxes hahab
NewTennis1088 t1_iqv2jgr wrote
Why would you bring that up ?
NewTennis1088 t1_iqv2lbz wrote
In what field to you work ?
ShadyM2020 t1_iqv4cek wrote
I think I speak for everyone here when I ask who makes 30k per month and how do they do that and in what field? Like we genuinely wanna know, even if this kind of jobs are out of reach for us
[deleted] t1_iqv59gb wrote
ms_jacksons_revenge t1_iqv9gwf wrote
God tier frugality
[deleted] t1_iqvc0o2 wrote
gaston312 t1_iqvchp4 wrote
I know several COUPLES that make that much but for an individual could be tech, business owner, big lawyer, specialized doctor. Lots of options
857477458 t1_iqvih1o wrote
I thought it was 30k yearly and was about to post how the taxes are wrong.
857477458 t1_iqvj1qt wrote
For a couple in a HCOL area it's nothing special, but for an individual it's pretty special anywhere.
857477458 t1_iqvoomy wrote
Dude is clearly a FIRE aficionado.
ZimofZord t1_iqvyac1 wrote
What’s insane is almost 50% of your income is taxes
Gr8whitewayluvr t1_iqw28js wrote
She’s an attorney
magnesiumb t1_iqw4o3g wrote
Lucky, lucky. I don't begrudge you it! Hopefully you can go farther and wider soon.
tico_pico t1_iqwqz1u wrote
I make around that depending on the year. Commodity trading.
millennial-money OP t1_iqwregi wrote
I work as an attorney in biglaw. I also know many people who make as much or more than me in the legal, medical, tech, or business fields
millennial-money OP t1_iqx6k2h wrote
We live in LA. As I mentioned in another comment, my partner and I split the rent and utilities.
MHoggs17 t1_iqxa7do wrote
thanks for replying. sounds like you found a cost effective place to live down there and make real good money.
millennial-money OP t1_iqxovbw wrote
Thanks! Yeah, we are fortunate and have worked hard. We’re both interested in FIRE, so saving a high percentage of our income is important to us
IndependentSpinach5 t1_iqy8o6p wrote
Why is the gym so expensive. Was that a typo?
Accurate-Sample5221 t1_iqyb30p wrote
Well that guy is either full of shit or will have nothing if the income dries up.
[deleted] t1_iqybpia wrote
Everglow12345 t1_iqyhboh wrote
I assume you’re maxing 401k/Roth?
Full_Attitude9871 t1_iqyi3fm wrote
Probably Equinox or something like that
[deleted] t1_ir4i8yb wrote
[deleted] t1_ira1ysk wrote
millennial-money OP t1_iqura9f wrote