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Saucialiste t1_iryftjm wrote

When your team has ben going for so long that they will need decades of shitty performance to make a dent into their all-time stat...

Go habs go I guess


JoinTheBattle OP t1_is4629q wrote

Then on the other end of the spectrum you have my Blue Jackets. Thank God for Seattle. 😐😭


Saucialiste t1_is57whq wrote

Aren't they were launched pre-salary cap? It was a harsh time to be an expansion franchise.


JoinTheBattle OP t1_is5hlak wrote

Yep. Then the league (correctly) decided to not repeat the same mistakes with Vegas, but overcorrected, making our expansion rules look even worse in hindsight.

(But that doesn't excuse how inept our front office was for the first 15 or so years of our existence.)