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Powerhx3 t1_is6yt79 wrote

Wage increases, 0-2% tops.


EnvironmentalCry3898 t1_is8f9es wrote

if wages went with cpi COLA.. holy cow. I witness the increases to military. not much else goes with it but gov. If ssdi in 1997 was $640 continuous into today... 2023 is going to be $1141.


Llanite t1_is924rj wrote

Are you ready to see the interest expense of 2022? 🤣


Miserly_Bastard t1_is8hwsm wrote

Only the most unimportant people in our society work for taxable wages. They also raise our children. But you know what? Fuck the future. Our gerentocracy needs more money today, coincidentally in an October before an election cycle.


eohorp t1_is6dfjm wrote

I'd love to see this breakdown for the 2010's up to 2020, each year individually.


Ok-Roof-978 t1_is6lzgc wrote

Energy will be driving itself to oblivion... OPEC+ announced the reduction in output, too.

Interestingly, I was reminded about Chinas woes. Energy prices are high even though China's output is lower. It's going to be crazy expensive once China's demand for energy increases to normal levels


Maleficent-Number-10 t1_is6r2uk wrote

Thankfully they are hell bent on zero tolerance and sabotaging their economy.

Painfully ironic watching Russia nuking itself.

Hopefully China will do the same


BernieTheDachshund t1_is6faqx wrote

Everything went up. This winter's heating bills will be a lot more expensive.


buzzzzz1 t1_is6ttdf wrote

Europe laughs/cries at our prices. This winter will really test a lot of Europe.


quartertopi t1_is794q9 wrote

Normally I'd be sitting with 22°C in my living room. This time it's 18...


Justliketoeatfood t1_is8sht6 wrote

I like how it says energy is 18% up when the price of a Therm has gone up 4times that of the price last year. .30 to 1.24


LakeSun t1_is6kvsa wrote

Yeah, inflation is totally caused by the oil industry.


boi-long t1_is6opxn wrote

“The biggest rise in CPI was fuel oil” is the interpretation you’re going for


LakeSun t1_is74t4w wrote

All carbon energy products, not just fuel oil. AKA: Methane/"Natural" gas. Propane, they're all price gouging and maybe in short supply.

With solar you get a fixed price 30 year contract.


Justliketoeatfood t1_is8tss2 wrote

While being ripped off by a loaning company. Unless you install it your self it’s a 30 year con… degradation, waste expense, storage fees, none of that’s covered by any 30 year contract. The home owner always loses. If you install it your self you can sell your energy back to the city as well vs somone else making money off of you.


TronOld_Dumps t1_is6allh wrote

My interpretation is that corporate oil is causing inflation to keep profits high. Like they don't care, not like they are intentionally causing inflation.


-nukethemoon t1_is6bxkd wrote

I agree and I think they see the renewable writing on the wall, and they’re using this opportunity to grab as much as they can before their market dries up.


duck_one t1_is6cn28 wrote

They are working to heavily influence democratic elections as well, they want authoritarianism to prevent democracies from fully adopting renewable resources.

Note that the inflation is primarily driven by the primary sector, who are wholly represented by conservatives in the US.


CommanderSe7en t1_is6d5ky wrote

This is happening under a Democrat controlled goverment.


duck_one t1_is6fbfd wrote

Yeah, that's the point...The oil companies are hurting US consumers, driving down the standard of living, damaging the economy and then blaming the current leadership in an effort to sway elections in their favor. They know that the president has very limited options, he cannot force price reductions and the GOP prevented any action through congress. They also know the under-educated, false/low-information voters will eat it up.


857477459 t1_is6uujl wrote

You do understand US oil companies are only a small part of the market? Its dominated be a cartel of national oil companies.


duck_one t1_is6v7o2 wrote

Yeah, I said oil companies, not exclusively US oil companies. Saudi Arabia is very well aware of which political party in the US is pushing for green energy policies.


857477459 t1_is6wqq5 wrote

You're blaming a US political party for the actions of an international cartel of national oil companies. It's straight up political misinformation.


duck_one t1_is6ykcl wrote

No, I am absolutely not. I am saying oil companies are operating solely in their best interest and that interest is to prevent policies that promote green energy (competition) in their largest consumer market.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_is6fnlc wrote

Even if he could force oil price reduction, it would only lead to shortages. There is a lack of refining capacity currently in the US, and more is getting exported to Europe, and the OPEP is ramping down production...


CommanderSe7en t1_is6kss0 wrote

Lmao, what a load of bullshit. Careful your tinfoil hat doesn't fall off. Lol


xxconkriete t1_isack4g wrote

It’s just M2, that’s it. Too many dollars out there, simple as that.


itsallaroundu t1_is6jlp7 wrote

Food increase of only 11.2%??? Where tf are you shopping??? This reported inflation numbers are bullshit versus reality.


Elliott2 t1_is81y2g wrote

Yup doing my first heating oil fill of the season… gonna be like $1300 😐


iBlankman t1_is76qgs wrote

Important to recognize that these values are weighted, I believe shelter is like 30% of the CPI. Would be nice to see how each one contributes to the end result. And shelter at 6.6% is a joke, rents have moved massively and mortgages are even worse


Kinetic_Symphony t1_isa067m wrote

Food is dramatically more expensive than 13% from last year. Even doubling that is not right. 50% if not more.


Infinite-Cobbler-157 t1_isb1gc2 wrote

How the fuck does that equal 8%. Fuel is our largest expense. It’s likely more at 15% for us


AldoLagana t1_is6karx wrote

the players will play you, your reaction to getting played is all you got - either be played or tell 'em to f off in word and deed.


Justliketoeatfood t1_is8s7c9 wrote

I don’t understand how they came to these percents? they are completely wrong. Energy!? It’s tripled. Price per therm last year at this time was .30 cents it’s 1.24 now….


look-at-them t1_is7pex9 wrote

It's bad enough that alot of countries are really struggling with high inflation but what's even worse is politicians think we're stupid enough to buy their bollocks about 8-10% inflation anybody who has bought anything in the last 6 months knows its price has increased 20% minimum


[deleted] t1_is6gey0 wrote



dog_superiority t1_is6kkkv wrote

Inflation would get worse.


[deleted] t1_is6n589 wrote



salemlax23 t1_is724jd wrote

Calm down there Stalin, your sickle is showing.


dog_superiority t1_is6v4g3 wrote

Not maybe, definitely. It would reduce the product to currency ratio and make prices go up.

Who would ever volunteer to be a CEO if they might be "dragged to the street for a public trial" if enough people are not satisfied with their lot in life? Very few. So how would you entice them? By raising their salaries. So if you think their salaries are too high now, just wait until some of them get taken out in show trials.


Dreadnought_Necrosis t1_is6idqw wrote

They all would get gunned down before they even made it past the gate of the community and the media would label them as terrorist. Then the govt would use this as an excuse to invade the middle east again for more oil.


AnotherLlamaBruh t1_is78uio wrote

You wouldn't make it past the gate. People would laugh at you, you would get arrested.


xxconkriete t1_is7z7y1 wrote

I too love the Biden years….
