
dog_superiority t1_jaaoqb8 wrote


dog_superiority t1_iz9v99c wrote

I understand that if I get in a ship and travel 90% the speed of light, time slows down for me and I come back to everybody else being old as hell.

Yet what about the fact that Earth moving away from me at 90% the speed of light? Wouldn't it theoretically be "returning" back to me, and therefore experience the same slowdown of time?

Or is it acceleration that is important? That since I felt acceleration and Earth did not, that is why my time dialates and the Earth does not?


dog_superiority t1_is6v4g3 wrote

Not maybe, definitely. It would reduce the product to currency ratio and make prices go up.

Who would ever volunteer to be a CEO if they might be "dragged to the street for a public trial" if enough people are not satisfied with their lot in life? Very few. So how would you entice them? By raising their salaries. So if you think their salaries are too high now, just wait until some of them get taken out in show trials.


dog_superiority t1_irsgb8w wrote

I'm not making that up, BTW. It's been studied a lot. It may be profitable to the person holding the slave, but not to society.

And that is not my only reason. Or even the primary one. The primary reason slavery should be banned is that it infringes on rights. Money does not infringe on rights.


dog_superiority t1_irse6na wrote

First of all, slaves were not use to build the pyramids.

Secondly, slaves make an economy worse not better. That is why the south was much more poor than the north in the US in the 1800s.

So while slaves are NOT helpful to society, money is DAMN useful to society. We should therefore keep money and ban slavery.


dog_superiority t1_ira0ok7 wrote

Why? Money is fucking useful for society. Even illiterate people thousands of years had that figured out. Without it, we'd still need living like cave men. It's might me the most beneficial invention of all time.


dog_superiority t1_ir1gww3 wrote

You would need something like a SCOTUS (that actually does their job) too. If a state tried to change the law to say the police could search any home at any time, then the SCOTUS should shut that down. Of course, if everybody in government just ignored it, the the constitution would have no teeth nor a purpose. But of course the society would quickly go down the shitter too.