> SAT scores have a positive correlation with economic and pre-college educational privilege
True. But it is concerning that this hits Asian kids considerably harder than even whites! Asians still experience some racism in this country, and probably don’t deserve that.
Not all Asians are wealthy. Especially those from Laos, Vietnam, or other poorer countries (maybe they should be classed as URM).
Lower income Asian kids are really getting screwed here. Why should they have to score much higher than others, to get to the same colleges? Because of the color of their skin?
If we need to discriminate at all, if anything, it should be based purely on wealth/income IMO, not race.
Wouldn’t income be a better proxy for privilege, than race? To somewhat counter wealthy peoples ability to afford expensive schools, private tutors, and SAT prep classes.
This would still indirectly favor URM, since they tend to be lower income. But it would better handle cases like poor asian/white kids, or rich black kids.
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