Submitted by supaplex_ t3_y8zp8u in dataisbeautiful
forsakenchickenwing t1_it2rufk wrote
Interestingly, the pandemic years seem to have caused a sharp rise. I would have expected a fall in they number of cases.
supaplex_ OP t1_it2xu6v wrote
Whatever NYC did from 2006 - 2016 to reduce shootings was clearly working. Since the pandemic the trend has reversed.
doesnothingtohirt t1_it306qm wrote
That one Indian dude on the black neighborhood had to of been mugged.
doesnothingtohirt t1_it30g4c wrote
When it gets colder murders drop
Tszemix t1_it34vm5 wrote
A reason to fight global warming
supaplex_ OP t1_it35mlc wrote
And encourage nuclear winter.
Tszemix t1_it36h52 wrote
Fighting murder by murdering people, great!
supaplex_ OP t1_it39mc6 wrote
My neighbor was a bee keeper. Once in a while the bees would become rowdy and fly off into a tree down the road. I would see him chasing the rambunctious swarm with some sort sedative smoke machine. He would sedate and collect the bees. And since there was no electricity, he would place the bees down a well until they cooled off and became civilized.
Lost-Currency9670 t1_it3oy7y wrote
If New York was 100% white it would have the lowest per-capita violent crime rate of any major city. Same goes for any other city actually.
RD__III t1_it3w23j wrote
That was tied to Stop & Frisk, right?
[deleted] t1_it3ww61 wrote
tangtastic101 t1_it3x23c wrote
Because black people don’t like black people
cuteman t1_it42xnl wrote
We don't have a gun problem we have a gang problem
Lost-Currency9670 t1_it438b1 wrote
I think the black and Hispanic communities have a problem that needs to be address from within, not by ineffective (mostly white) politicians. Unfortunately every black and Hispanic politician is a grifter and takes advantage of the communities they’re supposed to represent to make themselves rich
cuteman t1_it471r5 wrote
Obviously it's cherry picking but if you remove the 5 cities with the largest number of murders the US as a whole (with a much larger population) looks more like Scandinavian countries. Those are Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia and Washington DC.
When you include them our stats more like the third world and Central/South American countries for murder rate.
Its definitely a problem but it's more of an isolated issue than a national one.
Putrid-Vanilla7413 t1_it4j1qe wrote
You’re not wrong, but try saying this in any major subreddit and not getting banned
RivelyanKnight t1_it4kbz3 wrote
*Culture problem.
6thReplacementMonkey t1_it4lip2 wrote
Can you show that math? I don't see how that could be true when even small-midsize towns in the US have higher per-capita murder rates than Scandinavian countries.
6thReplacementMonkey t1_it4lm1t wrote
Why do you think they are right?
supaplex_ OP t1_it4m976 wrote
I agree.
DoobieBrotherhood t1_it4sqq2 wrote
“Across 110th Street” seems like it is still a valuable rule of thumb.
TheCynicalCanuckk t1_it4vs0a wrote
Poverty, uncertainty, loss of jobs etc. I know usa had WAY less relief then Canada at the beginning and in general I think. I would be surprised if it didn't increase. Crimes skyrocketed in my city and are now going down again
DerpusCanadensis t1_it4z3ir wrote
Indians of New York, what’s your secret?
mysterybasil t1_it4zl82 wrote
If you ever want to publish this, don't make Asian people yellow and Indian people red.
LengthinessNew961 t1_it4zpmo wrote
White, Asian, and Indian communities are in the outer borough centers. The center of Manhattan is midtown where the richest millionaires and billionaires live, they don’t kill people, just commit corporate crimes.
[deleted] t1_it50khp wrote
smashteam t1_it52tvo wrote
Yes, that was part of the solution. However it was mostly because of proactive policing approach towards crime from Law Enforcement. It’s actually called “Stop, Question and Frisk”.
This video sums it up quickly.
smashteam t1_it5559l wrote
Your absolutely right. If you took all of the non-white people out of New York City and replaced them with white people that committed the same rates of crime that the current white people in New York City commit, you would have to lay off 85 to 90% of the Police Officers in New York City because there wouldn’t be enough crime to justify that many police officers.
Anyone who knows how to use google can go to the New York City Police Department website and download the statistics and see for themselves. A couple years back when I looked at the New York City Police Department statistics, Blacks and Hispanics accounted for around 95% of all shootings in New York City. Whites 1.86% and Asians committed less than 1% of all shootings in NYC.
[deleted] t1_it55ss8 wrote
CablePicker t1_it575mw wrote
75 upvotes - shocking - and on quite an attractive map.
[deleted] t1_it57lfp wrote
app4that t1_it59vjp wrote
One correction:
I am assuming the red dot to reference “Indian” aligns with the graph’s term “American Indian” as there were certainly more East Indians murdered in the city than that one red dot indicates.
The red dot is therefore referencing an American Indian, and not an East Indian victims.
Aero200400 t1_it5a7af wrote
Grade-A bullshit claim with no supporting statistics. So impoverished white people don't commit crimes at similar or higher rates? What a racist statement
SLYTAPEX t1_it5ab15 wrote
Its not.
Lost-Currency9670 t1_it5ad50 wrote
The inconvenient truth is always “racism” to you people
Lethlnjektn t1_it5aekn wrote
He’s talking about you, Youngstown Ohio
SLYTAPEX t1_it5ai1y wrote
Thats cherry picking.
SLYTAPEX t1_it5aqfe wrote
Im not being a jerk or sarcastic when I ask this, but is that a serious question? Again, Im being sincere and nothing more.
Hopeful_1768 t1_it5aufp wrote
Camping out in Central Park looks like the safest bet
Aero200400 t1_it5b4q1 wrote
Who's "you people"? Explain how having a white ethnoatate would remove crime? Which white people would be included in that ethnostate? Hickory dickory dock
SilenceDobad76 t1_it5deh9 wrote
The same could be said for the rest of the nation from the 90s to 2020, so unless NYC saw a sharper drop I dunno if we can really make that assumption
[deleted] t1_it5dzd1 wrote
[deleted] t1_it5i9ww wrote
barcaloungechair t1_it5ijia wrote
Midtown is mostly office and retail. Not a lot of residential.
Eric1969 t1_it5iujt wrote
Come on, blacks are not 100 times more criminalized than whites. Cannot just be selective enforcement either. Is there a sampling peculiarity I missed?
ManasZankhana t1_it5lzhb wrote
Replace them with Indian and you d would beat that
diracz t1_it5orbr wrote
Are you sure? Percentage wise I’d love to know the national rate for Indians compare to others
rammo123 t1_it5r6nh wrote
This is common myth continuously trotted out. It's complete fake news.
Fact is removing those cities barely dents the national crime stats.
rammo123 t1_it5ra4w wrote
You have a racial inequality problem. POCs join gangs because they're poor and lack opportunities.
rammo123 t1_it5revo wrote
Because black people are poor, and poor people are desperate.
Chris-1235 t1_it5rrje wrote
What world do you live in?
169partner t1_it5sq60 wrote
It’s Brooklyn and some of the worst neighborhoods in the whole city. East NY and Brownsville to name 2 really bad areas
EDIT: on the right, mostly due to Jamaica, very bottom right is Far Rockaway, on the left in Manhattan is Harlem and Washington Heights. NE of Manhattan is the Bronx. Basically all low/very low income areas
[deleted] t1_it5t2sh wrote
[deleted] t1_it5um7q wrote
par112169 t1_it5zla8 wrote
They don't kill people, just pay other people to kill people.
Tomato_skins t1_it5znby wrote
Part of it’s class, part of it’s culture. That’s pretty much it. This data is pretty typical compared to other cities and nationwide.
[deleted] t1_it606xz wrote
movieball t1_it60pco wrote
Racist twat
wintherwheels t1_it62ejm wrote
In Australia we have a very large Indian population (people from India). I’ve never heard people referred to as East Indian before. TIL.
ar243 t1_it62rn0 wrote
The police aren't a fan of the oxford comma
yiannistheman t1_it63afu wrote
>The center of Manhattan is midtown where the richest millionaires and billionaires live, they don’t kill people, just commit corporate crimes.
This isn't entirely true - they kill people too, they usually just do it from a policy perspective and the occasional drunk driving incident.
mynewnameonhere t1_it64lop wrote
Probably a store clerk.
mynewnameonhere t1_it64uv0 wrote
Why? It drives me nuts when people go out of their way to mix up the colors. Everyone knows what they should be. Everyone knows why you didn’t make them that. It’s unnecessarily confusing. So why not just do it? If the color of a dot on a map offends you, you need to grow a fucking backbone.
tjackso6 t1_it65206 wrote
Right… doesn’t that seem strange tho? Feel like the park is depicted as a pretty dicey place depending on the time of day in a lot of media.
mynewnameonhere t1_it65373 wrote
Are you actually trying to suggest these murders are out of desperation? Like they’re killing people to feed their families or something? Because that’s asinine.
[deleted] t1_it655gu wrote
the_knowing1 t1_it671d8 wrote
Ya I'm 100% sure they're referring to NATIVE AMERICANS.
There are no "American Indians", that's been a big no-no for awhile now.
Adolf_Mandela_Junior t1_it67dab wrote
Don't justify it with poverty, it's because of the culture. Most of poor people don't kill each others.
cuteman t1_it68ibq wrote
Plenty of poor white people, tens of millions in fact... Why don't we see the same thing amongst that group?
Zimmer_ t1_it693h9 wrote
No one gets shot in the park, they get stabbed or dissapeared
GherkinEnthusiast t1_it694f3 wrote
Numbers tell the truth lmao.
winoforever_slurp_ t1_it69xdw wrote
Perhaps that suggests that ‘tough’ gun laws in America are actually not tough at all.
[deleted] t1_it6ah3t wrote
bejangravity t1_it6al7x wrote
No, we have a class problem disguised as a gang problem.
torchat t1_it6awsm wrote
With 🔴 it is definitely native Indians.
Same as 🟡 for Asians.
[deleted] t1_it6b56c wrote
[deleted] t1_it6bcfx wrote
cuteman t1_it6bpp7 wrote
There's a lot more low income and low class white people than black or Hispanic. Why don't we see the same levels of murder amongst that group?
magpye1983 t1_it6bukv wrote
Well, I’m not going there.
the_knowing1 t1_it6caoq wrote
Pretty sure you are also referring to Native Americans?
They uh... don't like to be called Indians. Since they're not from India. Columbus was an idiot.
torchat t1_it6cs8k wrote
Yes, I though about one thing, but type other. This map legend is kind of racist, that what I wanted to conclude.
visitprattville t1_it6d44m wrote
Does this include any school shootings?
hawtpot87 t1_it6evvd wrote
They don't kill people they just traffic children for sex cults
Bure_ya_akili t1_it6f665 wrote
What was the change 2015-2017?
xanas263 t1_it6fjbn wrote
Not getting involved in gangs would be my guess.
badMother1 t1_it6fre3 wrote
Blacks are superior as it comes to shooting victims.
IV4K t1_it6g5kq wrote
People get killed where they live and nobody lives in central park
TerrorDahveed t1_it6gvr8 wrote
Shooting people should be illegal.
[deleted] t1_it6hcvi wrote
TheBravadoBoy t1_it6hk1e wrote
I’ve read so many maps with different colors for race. They’re not confusing. It’s 5 values. Are you trolling? Good luck when you see a map with a color gradient
tjackso6 t1_it6hqvk wrote
Bud this is America lol... People get shot in the subway. People get shot at the corner store. Kids get shot in their classrooms. Eminem once said “you can get capped after just havin’ a cavity filled” lol
Just feel like there’s an abundance of evidence out there that contradicts the idea that “people get killed where they live”.
Seabasschen t1_it6khvt wrote
yep diff’rnt strokes for diff’rnt folks
Seabasschen t1_it6knl5 wrote
Financial-Kick-7669 t1_it6kue9 wrote
Of? You mean have*
Financial-Kick-7669 t1_it6kxn0 wrote
Don't think it's fair to accuse him of being racist, he's just probably ignorant.
GrinSIayer t1_it6l6dz wrote
I would like to see this but London's nife crime and stuff, it would be an interesting comparison.
[deleted] t1_it6l9bt wrote
Financial-Kick-7669 t1_it6ln0h wrote
Hear hear, facts.
[deleted] t1_it6lppn wrote
Financial-Kick-7669 t1_it6lrv1 wrote
Oh yeah, what truth would that be?
[deleted] t1_it6ly3e wrote
Financial-Kick-7669 t1_it6m0fk wrote
Doesn't matter where exactly you're born, it's the demographics that matter.
WyrmKin t1_it6nm7d wrote
Can't be murdered if we're all dead, good thinking
yeahgamers t1_it6o1v3 wrote
When there are somany shootings it has to be a line graph instead of bar graph
mynewnameonhere t1_it6oo8g wrote
Are you trolling? A map where white=brown, black=red, asian=white, Native American=yellow, and Indian=blue is objectively more difficult to read. You have to either study and memorize the whole key, which is completely random, or continuously refer back and forth to the map and key every time you want to know what something is. There is no other way. And then you want to mix up the colors every time?
In comparison, if you use white=white, black=black, Asian=yellow, Native American=red, and Indian=brown, everyone instantly knows what everything is. You don’t even need a key. It’s a universal language that’s immediately understood by everyone and it’s a standard used across every visual representation of race.
GBMFP t1_it6ox7l wrote
Doesn’t matter what you “feel like” about evidence. Literally just look at this post lol; most people get killed in residential area
TheLexoPlexx t1_it6pik2 wrote
If it's OC, why don't you change it?
kimock t1_it6r4lz wrote
But what is true is that the homicide rate among US whites is in line with those of Europe.
[deleted] t1_it6rdiy wrote
goteamnick t1_it6rm4i wrote
India is also west of Australia.
jetofalltrades t1_it6sc83 wrote
Had to have been mugged.
rebel-is-other-ppl t1_it6soa0 wrote
this isn’t a map of crime, this is a map of victims
Eric1969 t1_it6t8l0 wrote
Oh! Thanks a lot.
IvanIsOnReddit t1_it6wclv wrote
I’d say all politicians are like that
IvanIsOnReddit t1_it6whho wrote
Because they don’t live in this city, they live in rural areas
mysterybasil t1_it6yihe wrote
Because it offends people. It may be unreasonable, but it means that some people will be turned off from the message. Some will take it as a sign that you aren't particularly sophisticated around issues of race.
whatttttupppp t1_it6zgxk wrote
Dam crime is sooo bad now and it’s everywhere Not sure we can fix it with the people in power so many mistakes
[deleted] t1_it775r4 wrote
spicynuggies t1_it7801h wrote
Rural areas have the most poor whites. Crime is more spread out and less population density correlates to lower crime. When you live in a town of 600 everyone is gonna know if you robbed someone
Crime and the psychology of crime are heavily dependent on environmental factors. In a city crime is more common because you can blend in more easy and get away with petty crimes.
However more people outside walking also acts as a crime detterent. Hence why Manhattan and Brooklyn rates are lower because of high pedestrian numbers.
Pineapple4nick8r t1_it79hvi wrote
Cultural enrichment
Aero200400 t1_it7e81z wrote
It's funny how I conveniently can't see my comment anymore or the rest of the thread. If you're so confident that you have facts to back up your moment of pure retardation, why did you delete my earlier comment asking you to prove your claim? Lol how pathetic you can't even cite a single statistic to support your stupid comment. It amazes me that this comment wasn't flooded with downvotes
StreetBookRandoNumbr t1_it7ex3y wrote
Because it’s already posted
mysterybasil t1_it7g7zc wrote
I don't think many Asian people really want to be called yellow, regardless of whether it makes it easier to read a map.
[deleted] t1_it7hddk wrote
mysterybasil t1_it7hu4d wrote
it seems like you want to tell us something, what is it?
Aero200400 t1_it7i0we wrote
jelhmb48 t1_it7i4zi wrote
Why not? It matches their skin color.
jelhmb48 t1_it7iacm wrote
There are probably like 20 times more blacks than Indians in NYC
tjackso6 t1_it7j62t wrote
Yea, yeah lol... I'm not questioning the data or saying that it's incorrect. I'm just saying it's surprising.
[deleted] t1_it7kfcz wrote
DLBaker t1_it7kv5v wrote
Or only disarm the law abiding.
cuteman t1_it7rjje wrote
Feel free to provide some data to back up your assertion
cuteman t1_it7rsji wrote
Nationally the rates are very similar. This isn't limited to NYC.
cuteman t1_it7rz7m wrote
Nationally, the statistics are pretty similar.
Density is irrelevant when there are way more poor whites yet we don't see anywhere near the same number of murders per capita or in absolute numbers.
Free_Albatross3928 t1_it7twe2 wrote
What software/program(s) was/were used to make this? Clear and intuitive presentation, well done.
6thReplacementMonkey t1_it7tzjr wrote
Right. My point is that even if you cherry-pick to intentionally reduce it, US has a higher murder rate, so I don't see how OP could cherry-pick and come up with a lower one.
[deleted] t1_it7x4g5 wrote
imnotsoho t1_it8kdvu wrote
Big shooting at PS 357.
CampEmbarrassed170 t1_itl6d33 wrote
I knew some of these dots. Nyc now resembles the hellhole it was in the 70s.
CampEmbarrassed170 t1_itl77oy wrote
Working like a slave 6 days a week to pay mortgage, tuition, food, bills. Then partying hard from Saturday night to Monday morning. Rinse and repeat.
[deleted] t1_it2nwiw wrote