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dog_eat_god t1_iui2fvh wrote

I'm not surprised at those countries without a conscience, but I didn't expect to see Spain there.


Imperial_Empirical t1_iuien5h wrote

Spain, Netherlands and Belgium have large port facilities for oil and gas throughput. My guess what is likely happening is that goods get transported further into the remaining EU states but are not officially registered as sourced from Russia, creating a semi-black market. That, plus filling the national gas reserves, has driven up imports.

I wouldn't look into it too much. If we get an oil pricecap and maybe also a soft winter the values of Russian imports will plummit.


rikkerd1 t1_iuikjmy wrote

Add to that much higher prices of fuel and gas, would result in higher import numbers, but not in an actual increase of the products imported.


ThePandaRider t1_iuijo1r wrote

Most countries have little to no reason to care more about Ukraine than they care about Yemen. Yemen is a longer lasting and more bloody conflict where Saudi Arabia is trying to install a puppet regime but nobody really gives a fuck and nobody is sanctioning Saudi Arabia because it is too important to sanction.


nibbler666 t1_iuienue wrote

It's not about whether countries have a conscience. Countries are not persons. It all depends on what type of goods the trade with certain countries is focussed on, in what way these goods are affected by the sanctions and what type of wiggle room individual companies in these countries have and what risk they are willing to take. And here the ownership structure of the companies plays a role, too.

In general one should not read too much into such a diagram. There is a real problem only if the sanctions are circumvented. And, of course, maybe it shows that we should extend the sanctions to other type of goods.


sik-kirigi-3169 t1_iujjdyt wrote

countries don't have conscience, countries have interests. as soon as you start shifting your mentality towards that, you'll get a wider mental picture of international relations


dog_eat_god t1_iujydb3 wrote

Semantics. People collectively vote in leadership who either do or do not demonstrate care for their citizens and those of other countries.