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jorsiem t1_iyae3sz wrote

Are these electoral votes or popular vote?


notspoon OP t1_iyaeede wrote

Popular vote for each state! Should have specified my bad D-:


Rdan5112 t1_iyb2yz3 wrote

Looking at elections like this is messed up. Californias population is 65x as large as Wyoming. In some ways, it make as much sense to give Fresno its own box.


ImminentZero t1_iybb184 wrote

If love to see this visualization done by county and by voting district


[deleted] t1_iybes3f wrote



LiterallyMatt t1_iybhhgs wrote

Yeah very unfortunate that people think some areas should count more than other areas. I just think each citizen should count the same.


[deleted] t1_iybhrrz wrote



LiterallyMatt t1_iybhz0c wrote

Which three cities? Adding NYC, LA, and Chicago gets you to 15.6 million or 4.65% of the US population.


mjkjg2 t1_iybj4yf wrote

okay but why should my vote in California be worth 1/68th of my cousin’s vote in Wyoming


[deleted] t1_iybjfag wrote



mjkjg2 t1_iybjqgz wrote

okay but how is minority tyranny any better than majority tyranny


[deleted] t1_iybk2wt wrote



PrimeNumbersby2 t1_iybl9jp wrote

It's a shame all the Governors of all states have to be voted in by a urban popular vote and not by a representative county vote so that all counties could have a voice. Also a shame that there's not another part of government that is powerful and gives a voice to all states, no matter how small.


Knardle t1_iybo9iv wrote

Which three cities? Why do you people use this line so much?