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Milamber69reddit t1_ivzvdii wrote

As a person who is named after my father. I find it repulsive to do that. I did not name my son after me and I have told him that it is a bad idea to do that. I can never understand why people do that. Your children are individuals. Their name in your family should show that. If you keep naming your boys or girls after living relatives. They will always be compared to that person with the same name that is living at the same time. A long dead relative name is ok as long as they have been dead for well over 50 years. Then there is no comparison between the 2. Personal opinion. Your opinion can and probably will differ from mine.


WAJGK t1_ivzz4p6 wrote

I think the point of this graph is that these children were not being named after living relatives...


faustianredditor t1_iw1xh15 wrote

Highly unlikely. That's not what the casualty rates of WW1 would look like. The sudden uptick is completely inconsistent with that. Why would you have the same ratio of deceased fathers after one week as after half a year?


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_iw0jpq0 wrote

A son will be compared to his father even without the same name.


Milamber69reddit t1_iw3lqz6 wrote

Yes and no. The problem is that when the 2 people have the same name. many people will assume that they are the same people even if you can prove they are different. A bad reputation of the father moves directly over to the son if the son has the same name. It takes a very very long time for the son to overcome any bad that the father may have done if the son lives in the same area as the father. It kind of goes the other way if the son does something bad. But it is not nearly as hard for the father to overcome that. A fathers reputation for good or bad is always transferred to a son with the same name. But the bad sticks around much longer than the good. I have found that I need to live a great distance away from the location of my father for me to not have his information anywhere and any good or bad things he has done to not affect how people see me. I can now live my life without the baggage of another person who has the same name as me.


kingliljanky t1_iw19cc7 wrote

Ah sweet. By comparison (let me stress, by comparison) ima look dope as fuck


ciarogeile t1_iw0fbdg wrote

That’s fair enough, but what if your dad has av really cool name?


FireRavenLord t1_iw0logl wrote

I'm named after my grandfather and I completely disagree. While I'm an individual, he contributed to who I am, both genetically and socially.

Interestingly, my dad is also named after his grandfather. So there's two names that are alternated between generations. I think I'm the 5th with my name but I don't have a suffix.


lady_lilitou t1_iw1bhvi wrote

My mother was named for her mother, which was also the name of her paternal aunt, and an assortment of other relatives on both sides. Her brother was named for his father. Most of my grandfather's brothers named their kids after themselves. When my mom got pregnant with me, the only daughter, my grandfather was "incensed* that she didn't name me after herself/her mother. My mother had grown up as the youngest in a household with three people sharing her name. She told him she'd never inflict that kind of vanity on her kid. (And on top of that, my dad was raised Jewish. They don't name their kids for living relatives.)

Anyway. Point is, I agree with you.


SurroundingAMeadow t1_iw2bdzo wrote

My father-in-law comes from a long line of men sharing the same first name. His mother didn't love the trend, but respected the family wishes, so she and everybody else just called him by the nickname common for his middle name (which she otherwise would've used as his first). Now if anybody calls looking for somebody by his first name they assume it's spam because nobody who actually knows him calls him that.


Vtron89 t1_iw0v7ol wrote

I liked being named after my dad. I feel like an extension of him - as he was an extension of his father - as we all are extensions of our ancestors. I feel honored to carry on the name.


luntglor t1_iw14d8n wrote

what about a father's name used for their first son's middle name?


Milamber69reddit t1_iw3kckd wrote

It is only the first name where the problem comes in. My son has a middle name that is the same as one of his uncles first name. There is so many problems associated with using the same first name for father and son. I have it even worse as my father insisted that I have his complete name so he could have a Jr. It has caused so many problems over the years. I always wanted to change my name but never got around to doing it. Now I just need to live as far from him as I can so I am not confused with him if I go anywhere and they ask for my name.


NarcissusLovesEcho t1_iw1bma8 wrote

I would be proud to have been named after my dad.


Milamber69reddit t1_iw3j8yq wrote

That is very good. As i said. It is my personal opinion based on the problems I have had throughout my 47 years of life. There are many people that have no problems but most people i know have problems. It could be from outside entities or family.


NarcissusLovesEcho t1_iw3mkyy wrote

But why would you find it repulsive for people not in situations like yours to do this?


Milamber69reddit t1_iw3oj4u wrote

I have seen it happen even with my in-laws. My father-in-law and his son have the same first name and it has caused the father nothing but trouble. The son is riding on his fathers good credit and reputation all because people refuse to look into who they are really dealing with.


PappyBlueRibs t1_iw1pf5j wrote

My dad was named after his father and he completely agrees with you. Interesting!


Milamber69reddit t1_iw3ilf2 wrote

In todays world. Having the same name as another relative that has not been dead a long time is frustrating and can cost you time and money. I actually had to threaten a company with legal action if they did not quit contacting me about my fathers bills and medical problems. They refused to listen up to that point.


Zeronality t1_iw1nv1x wrote

This mf above is what happens when you post and live in comfort without even realizing the period... also for the fact that the father died as well...


Milamber69reddit t1_iw3hypm wrote

I understand perfectly. I could care less if they want to honor the father. As the father has not been dead for long enough for most people around that child to forget the father or to have lived around the child for most of his life without comparing the 2. It is and always will be stupid to give a child the same name as a living relative.