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JulianMarcello t1_izd3jtv wrote

I seriously doubt that the writer of the song intended for repeat gifts, even though he/ she uses the word “and”. What other word would work as well and still keep the song “intact”?

If I gave my wife a puppy on day 1 and a ring on day 2. Well, I’m not also giving her a another puppy on day 2. Why would anyone think that, regardless of how I write it down?


cockmanderkeen t1_izdan1j wrote

Sucks to be your wife with her one puppy.


randomusername8472 t1_izev3sv wrote

If I said,

  • "On day one I give you A
  • On day two I give you A and B."

Then you would have 2A and 1B.


Otherwise I would say

  • "On Day one I give you A.
  • On Day two I give you B."

Then you would have 1A and 1B.


>Why would anyone think that, regardless of how I write it down?

Because words have largely agreed upon meanings and if you deviate from that meaning massively people don't understand you.

If you said to someone:

"On day one, I'm giving my gf a puppy, and on day 2 I'm giving her a puppy and a ring"

Then I'm certain almost all native English speakers would understand that you have given her a puppy on day one, and then another puppy and a ring on day two.