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Muscled_Daddy t1_izecfdg wrote

Yeah, this doesn’t really tell us anything.


Adjusted until Oct 2020… ARAMCO is #2


TheGABB t1_izeu5ii wrote

Better visualization and accurate data. Get this out of this sub right now


EspressoVagabond t1_izev3m3 wrote

It's a little out of date though. There are a few more recent IPOs that would make that list


r4wbeef t1_izh7k0h wrote

This leaves out every major tech IPO of the last 5 years. Airbnb IPO'ed for 100B for example.


EspressoVagabond t1_izidimm wrote

The $100B isn't actually using the same metric as the chart though. $100B is the total valuation of the company on the public market, but they "only" raised $3B from the IPO so it wouldn't make this list. These lists usually look at how much cash the company raised from the IPO.


Past_Pace1687 t1_izhap67 wrote

The crazy thing is that the ~$25B IPO for Aramco was for something like 1.5% of the company.

The company in total is worth somewhere on the order of $1.9T


Optimistic__Elephant t1_izituqj wrote

Why did they bother with such a small percentage ipo? Can’t imagine a 1.9T company really needed 25B.