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Sines314 t1_izg0ojz wrote

Journalists should know this, it’s not complicated. Assume intent to mislead. Or that they’re too dumb to be doing their job.


ConstantinSpecter t1_izg8lot wrote

Halon’s Razor would like a word.

“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”


KiR- t1_izghapo wrote

You appear to have maliciously misspelled Hanlon's Razor.


Penkala89 t1_izjaqxi wrote

"never attribute to Halon that which is adequately explained by a careless typo"


amitym t1_izjxqie wrote

"Never attribute to typos what can be adequately explained by an indifference to the shift key."


Sines314 t1_izgqsxv wrote

Hey, I never said what ratio we assume them deceptive rather than terrible journalists. Though I would probably default to "Porque no los dos" most of the time...


Historical_Shop_3315 t1_izivcm7 wrote

But my article is more convincing if the difference looks bigger.....i feel like the difference is this big...


Strength-Speed t1_izkbn73 wrote

I wonder if there is room for some journalism exam that requires passage. How to properly display data, etc. It wouldn't have to be exceptionally complicated but I think there are zero entrance requirements to being a journalist. At least you could say 'certified' or some such. Maybe there is qualification exam out there I don't know of.


Sines314 t1_izkpz2h wrote

I think we need less official credentials, really. No reason why hair dressers need a license. But newspapers shouldn’t hire journalist, people who deal in fact finding, if they are easily deceived.