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Bulky_Researcher226 t1_j03xwru wrote

Did you even read the article before referencing it?? That is the weakest article I’ve ever seen. I disagree with Musk on shit but saying that he promotes Qanon because he quoted the matrix is terrible journalism. To be fair, it’s par for the course for Reddit


weluckyfew t1_j03zxxx wrote

It's been a Qanon phrase for years ( here's 2018, and 2017 and white rabbit themed Qanon merch )- as Musk would know - and certainly the Qanon crowd thinks it was a wink to them. Add that to Musk's "Twittergate" conspiracy nonsense, a penchant for screaming "pedophile!" at his opponents, reinstating the accounts of Qanon folks, the Fauci conspiracy nonsense...


bergercreek t1_j046upd wrote

Yeah, dude. You really oughta get off reddit more.
