weluckyfew OP t1_ja45t8g wrote
Reply to comment by ItsAllJustMalarkey in LPT: If you get a second job, you might need to adjust your tax withholding. Otherwise you'll probably owe a lot at the end of the year. by weluckyfew
Good to know - I just have the extra money taken out and treat it like a forced savings account. Sure, it doesn't get interest, but then again at most I'm only overpaying by a few hundred bucks so it wouldn't get me much anyway.
weluckyfew OP t1_ja41gwt wrote
Reply to comment by ItsAllJustMalarkey in LPT: If you get a second job, you might need to adjust your tax withholding. Otherwise you'll probably owe a lot at the end of the year. by weluckyfew
Good call - I added that to the post
weluckyfew OP t1_ja41860 wrote
Reply to comment by empteevessel in LPT: If you get a second job, you might need to adjust your tax withholding. Otherwise you'll probably owe a lot at the end of the year. by weluckyfew
IIRC changing the withholding to two would actually get less taken out in taxes - it would assume you have a dependent to claim on your taxes.
I just go with a set amount. I think if your income is fairly stable from that job you can just double whatever is being withheld now for federal taxes. But maybe someone who knows better will comment with a more foolproof way to do it.
weluckyfew t1_j9oj7f8 wrote
Reply to LPT: Odds are you won't be the first person in your circle of friends to lose a parent to old age, but when you hear of the first one to go, heed the warning and make sure you're maximizing the time with those you love, because it's likely the bulk of the time you'll have with them is behind you. by JD2005
On a related note, if your parents are elderly check in with them on their finances. Make sure you or someone they trust has easy access to all their money, has medical power of attorney, and that their investments make sense for their age.
Also see if you need to start putting up grab bars, shower seats, and perhaps some sort of smartwatch or voice activated emergency system.
My 84-year-old mother lived alone. Last month she fell going down the stairs. She laid on the floor for two or three days, unable to move with a broken hip and a broken arm, thinking this was how she was going to die. One of her friends got worried when she didn't return her calls, so she came over and found her, and they got her to the hospital in time.
I had plans to visit her just two weeks later, and one of the things on my list was getting her some sort of life alert system. Unfortunately that idea came a little too late for her.
weluckyfew t1_j727obs wrote
Reply to [OC] McDonald’s High-Level Cash Flow Statement Visualized with a Waterfall Chart. by Square_Tea4916
It took me a second - I've never seen a "waterfall graph" - but I like it! Starting cash, plus new profit, minus what you spent (not including normal business expenses, so those were already taken out of sale to produce the "inflow" number), equals ending cash.
weluckyfew t1_j2wqtqu wrote
Reply to Withings' $500 toilet computer wants to be WebMD for your pee | The hardware sits in your toilet, analyzing what's poured forth into it by chrisdh79
They need one that will analyze your poo. I think a significant portion of adults looks in the toilet after every BM and thanks "does that look normal?"
weluckyfew t1_j2pfttg wrote
Reply to comment by PloxtTY in Hisense Hi Reader Pro is an Android smartphone with a 6.1 inch E Ink display (pre-order 250$) by giuliomagnifico
I'm an idiot - I forgot the number one thing I love about cell phones - the camera.
weluckyfew t1_j2oxun7 wrote
Reply to comment by PloxtTY in Hisense Hi Reader Pro is an Android smartphone with a 6.1 inch E Ink display (pre-order 250$) by giuliomagnifico
Oh, thanks!
The more I think about it, the more it does appeal to me. ABout the only surfing I do on my phone is Reddit, otherwise I just use it for texting, music, navigation, and weather.
weluckyfew t1_j2nrlen wrote
Reply to comment by InstinctWrites in Hisense Hi Reader Pro is an Android smartphone with a 6.1 inch E Ink display (pre-order 250$) by giuliomagnifico
And would still be good for music too - wonder, though, if it would work ok for maps/navigation?
weluckyfew t1_j1q37w8 wrote
Reply to comment by Fluffy_Little_Fox in Holy shit is “Tom’s Diner” by Suzanne Vega & DNA so godamn good. by treeillusion
That made me so very happy - thank you for sharing. And special respect for them making this a full 2:20 song.
weluckyfew t1_j03zxxx wrote
Reply to comment by Bulky_Researcher226 in Tesla value as it relates to Twitter's purchase [OC] by datawazo
It's been a Qanon phrase for years ( here's 2018, and 2017 and white rabbit themed Qanon merch )- as Musk would know - and certainly the Qanon crowd thinks it was a wink to them. Add that to Musk's "Twittergate" conspiracy nonsense, a penchant for screaming "pedophile!" at his opponents, reinstating the accounts of Qanon folks, the Fauci conspiracy nonsense...
weluckyfew t1_j03wgbv wrote
Reply to comment by Bewaretheicespiders in Tesla value as it relates to Twitter's purchase [OC] by datawazo
lol just read that your GodKing is now promoting Qanon and is yet again accusing someone he disagrees with of being a pedophile forcing an innocent man into hiding after death threats.
But ya, it's crazy to think people would start to lose respect for him -
weluckyfew t1_j03vags wrote
Reply to comment by rhiever in Tesla value as it relates to Twitter's purchase [OC] by datawazo
The share is shrinking (but still high) - let's see where it stands in a year.
weluckyfew t1_j03v6un wrote
Reply to comment by Bewaretheicespiders in Tesla value as it relates to Twitter's purchase [OC] by datawazo
Wow. Are you so deep into the Musk cult that statements like "a lot of public opinion has soured on him" and "his actions have taken away a lot of his luster" qualify as a "rant"?
Dude, he's literally the butt of jokes on late night monologues now.
weluckyfew t1_j03jhql wrote
Reply to comment by Bewaretheicespiders in Tesla value as it relates to Twitter's purchase [OC] by datawazo
Spare me your ignorant patronizing - Musk wanted to make Tesla synonymous with himself, and now its fortunes are tied to his. If you don't think a lot of public opinion has soured on him you're not paying attention. His flailing with Twitter has become a national joke, and his actions (reinstating Trump, firing half the staff, tone-deaf statements) have taken away a lot of his luster.
weluckyfew t1_j02nt1c wrote
I'm very curious to see their sales figures for the past few months - I have to think that owning a Tesla is rapidly becoming far less chic (not to mention all the new EVs on the horizon from everyone else)
weluckyfew t1_isptwiy wrote
Reply to He's known as Chile's greatest poet, but feminists say Pablo Neruda is canceled by Aboveground_Plush
Jeez, you can't even abandon your wife and daughter and admit raping a woman without people criticizing you!?
It does bring up that classic question - can you appreciate a work of art divorced from the reality of who created it?
For me, I feel like the art stands separate from who created it. To judge the art along with the artist seems a bit like visiting the sins of the father upon the child.
weluckyfew t1_is6dgio wrote
Not sure what to infer from this - are the more expensive ones indicative of regional differences? More complicated procedures?
weluckyfew OP t1_ja4ry22 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in LPT: If you get a second job, you might need to adjust your tax withholding. Otherwise you'll probably owe a lot at the end of the year. by weluckyfew
Sir, this is a Wendy's.