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GangNailer t1_j29b6l6 wrote

So workers don't deserve to make money equivalent to the value they produce?

Ur okay letting a rich investors take that money from you? Man stop protecting those in power and punch up for once.

Stop punching down at the workers who actually do the labor in this economy.


Objective-Throat-614 t1_j29eo4f wrote

You said living wages. Apple software engineers with even a few years of experience make at least $250k lmao


GangNailer t1_j29g4rx wrote

And the CEO and investors make 400times that amount.

Plus why not pay the frontline workers, customer support, etc. more if ur so butthurt about software engineers making money. Apple has more than just software engineers running it u know?


Objective-Throat-614 t1_j29ws2i wrote

You’re the one moving the goal posts so you can continue to suck off 1%ers


GangNailer t1_j2a1c3c wrote

Lmfao... Just try and prove that dumbass statement Of yours.


Objective-Throat-614 t1_j2a29fr wrote

I did. You’re rattling off le reddit npc phrases like living wages while discussing a class of individuals who make more out of college than you will in your 40s. They don’t need you to fellate them


GangNailer t1_j2a3u8x wrote

It isn't an npc. Listen to what the people are saying. All the wealth created is made by people at the bottom. Richasshokes would have no money at all if the people at the bottom worked in low wage positions. Real material value is done through labor, not moving money around on screens... This whole system is setup so people like you think you are creating more value than the actual labor of people creating the product or providing their service.

I work with entrepreneurs on a daily basis, and I know just how egotistical and how they live in a non-reality environment.

They think everything they do is all the work needed and they fail unless they hire other experts to take parts of the business over. Businesses are all collaborative efforts, and should be treated like meritcracy. And to say one person deserve 400times more than the actual workers is the most shittiest propganda to fall a victim to.

Material wealth is built on materials and labor, everything else is parsetic and gambling.

Things haven't bean this bad in terms of inequality since... Ever. Even the guided age had better equality. We are at a point where the greedy have fallen vicitem to their own propganda, and don't realize how better the world would be without the 1% and the dick suckers who promote them.