
GangNailer t1_j2a3u8x wrote

It isn't an npc. Listen to what the people are saying. All the wealth created is made by people at the bottom. Richasshokes would have no money at all if the people at the bottom worked in low wage positions. Real material value is done through labor, not moving money around on screens... This whole system is setup so people like you think you are creating more value than the actual labor of people creating the product or providing their service.

I work with entrepreneurs on a daily basis, and I know just how egotistical and how they live in a non-reality environment.

They think everything they do is all the work needed and they fail unless they hire other experts to take parts of the business over. Businesses are all collaborative efforts, and should be treated like meritcracy. And to say one person deserve 400times more than the actual workers is the most shittiest propganda to fall a victim to.

Material wealth is built on materials and labor, everything else is parsetic and gambling.

Things haven't bean this bad in terms of inequality since... Ever. Even the guided age had better equality. We are at a point where the greedy have fallen vicitem to their own propganda, and don't realize how better the world would be without the 1% and the dick suckers who promote them.


GangNailer t1_j29red0 wrote

Explain to me how giving higher wages supports giving conglomerates more power?

I mean how come whenever the little guy gets money people are sooo pissed off. But when we call out the rich people misusing their wealth it's okay, because they "know" how to spend money "better"

I Mena the little guy already gets punched down at. Punch up for God's sake. Shareholders = the wealthy


GangNailer t1_j2965p4 wrote

I do understand it and I am pointing it out as peak wealth redistribution. It takes all the hard earned labor and value the employees at the company made, and gives it to investors who spend 4times a year advising managment.

It's utterly dispicable and financializes companies into money printing machines. Thus giving management reasons to outsource and costcut and destroy the US economy further.

Ps, I really am getting tired of your strawmanning here, bringing up different points that have nothing to do with my comments. If u want to support buy backs In a public forum, be my guest. I am with the few with a business and financial education of who see the real reason they exist and how they are used. And your pro position is not going to change that truth, no matter how you try to explain the benefits of them.


GangNailer t1_j294lm2 wrote

Lol "nothing stopping people".

That is the difference between our perspective. There are so many barriers for working class folks to invest in stocks, it makes no sense to trust these whales at the tops to trickle down their wealth to the rest.

What, like the average 401k has like 5dollars of applstock in it.. Lol come-on! Buying back stocks in appl will be a blip for the average investor.

Reagnomics doesn't work, and your idealogy fails to bring in the real dynamics of how the stock market works. Again, buybacks are just another tool that only make a real difference if you area full-time investor with wealth spewing out of your wallet.


GangNailer t1_j292f2z wrote

Right, and your going to put all your trust in investors to keep the stock long-term because of their "genius" iq and "conservative strategies" .

Sorry but I am skeptical af and no longer have any respect nor trust for investors at that level.

I'm tired of giving control of companies and their fate to investors like this. It's about time companies are trated like the real economic engine they should be, jobs, taxes and creating value. Instead of playing with them like financial tools to enrich the already wealthy.

The idea of buy backs is completly benefitting one class of people, and the only way we can finally have fair distribution of wealth is to stop this tactic that only the lucky few are able to benefit from.


GangNailer t1_j28zyx6 wrote

Buybacks have no value in this economy except to enrich investors. And that is the issue. Instead of investing back into the company, pay raises for employees etc. It goes straight to the top. It is the number one issue. U r talking about.

Stock buybacks should be illegal... Period.
