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The_Paradoxigm t1_j2zqenr wrote

I never said that. I'm saying either way you aren't saving a cow.

That's the key word. No cow is being "saved". Which is what this chart is saying.


PfizerGuyzer t1_j32mhhk wrote

A cow is being saved from a life of torture, and is getting no life in return.


JPAnalyst t1_j2zr6uy wrote

You said this

> Either way, that's 1 less cow that's alive.

In response to this

> Less animals will be bred to meet demand. So they’re not killed.. they’ll just for the most part never live.

That’s beyond stupid. I’m sorry, but I feel like you’re being dumb on purpose. You’re arguing in bad faith and I’m not wasting any more time.


The_Paradoxigm t1_j2zrcq3 wrote

And you're resorting to insults instead of making a point.


purple_yosher t1_j2zu9ex wrote

idk I thought they made a solid point.


The_Paradoxigm t1_j2zukjn wrote

They're arguing a completely different point than I am while insulting me.

That's not how discussions work.


trentgibbo t1_j2zymwb wrote

Why do vegans always just revert to insulting people. Like that ever changed someone's mind.


JPAnalyst t1_j30asht wrote

Im not a vegan, and I’m not interested in changing your eating habits. I just call out bullshit when I see it. If you’re believing that decreased demand doesn’t decrease supply you’re also willfully dumb. You’re both proof that people will believe whatever the fk they want regardless of what they were taught. Just eat meat, without being liars.


trentgibbo t1_j30hxvr wrote

Firstly. Calling out bullshit and being an asshole about it are different things.

Secondly, you want to talk economics? OK let's do it.

Price of meat is actually artificially high due to high demand and lower supply. This prices people out of the market (particularly premium cuts). You can easily see this in the price of beef over the last 10y.

What do you think will happen when demand softens by 1/7th?

Price will soften which will increase demand again and you'll have a net zero change.

It's basic economics and you're being willfully dumb.


Rorik1356 t1_j2zsk9i wrote

I mean, their statement is true? You may not like how they frame it, but that doesn't make it false.

Are you possibly a PETA supporter? Because your viewpoint seems to be aligned with theirs.


JPAnalyst t1_j30bkyi wrote

I’m not a PETA supporter and their statement is not true unless your being a pedant for the sake of arguing in vary bad faith. The spirit of the post, and we all know this, is by reducing your meat consumption by a day a week “for the rest of to it life” less animals will be killed.

Mr arguing for arguments sake is only arguing for a point in time, which isn’t “the rest of your life” and isn’t the spirit of the post. Reducing the demand for meat, reduces the production and harvesting of meat. It doesn’t kill the same mount of animals. Why is this such a hard concept for you all to understand?