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spicer2 OP t1_j3hcy3m wrote

Data source: COCA (Corpus of contemporary American English)

Tools used: Excel

Methodology: I'm most interested in applying data viz/data journalism techniques to areas that don't traditionally receive them. I was curious to see if there was a way to measure the relative cultural impact of different parts of the Bible and this is the best I came up with.

I looked up the name of each book in COCA with a wildcard, then scrolled down to find the verse with the highest tally. Obviously it's only a sample of all published media (even if a big one) and doesn't include sermons afaik, but I looking at this, I think it's a pretty good representation of the whole.


cqlahamin t1_j3hd6w0 wrote

John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Genesis 1:1 - “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.“


frodeem t1_j3hel4y wrote

Austin 3:16 - I just whipped your ass!


JPAnalyst t1_j3hf2vn wrote

What happens to John 3:16 data without football end zones? Can you rerun the numbers excluding that?


restore_democracy t1_j3hfftm wrote

Good old Haggai 2:23-

‘On that day,' declares the Lord of hosts, ‘I will take you, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, My servant,' declares the Lord , ‘and I will make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen you,'" declares the Lord of hosts.


KungFuHamster t1_j3hi7d8 wrote

I'm surprised I don't see Ezekiel 23:20 on there.


alsimoneau t1_j3hld4f wrote

It would be nice to have the verse written somewhere, otherwise this doesn't tell you anything.


iamtherealandy t1_j3hr86p wrote

I love that the most “open minded” generations ever born are completely closed minded (or not interested) about this data.


ThrowAway126498 t1_j3hvnlw wrote

Where’s the Golden Rule? I would have that it would be one of the more popular ones.


Bugsarecool2 t1_j3hvxce wrote

Joel represents well considering most Christians don’t even know it exists!


aaaanoon t1_j3i86g0 wrote

Off topic, but I'm curious if any libraries place the old and new testament in the fiction section?


1000010100011110 t1_j3ia1n0 wrote

Yo that's a bs rationalization made by people who don't want to believe that Jesus meant what he said about wealth. The whole idea of the metaphor of the camel and the eye of a needle is the absurdity and impossibility of such an action. Compare to a similar image that Jesus used when condemning some Pharisees for their hypocrisy about he Law: "You strain a gnat but swallow a camel"- the reference being to the practice of straining water for gnats to avoid ingesting the non-kosher insects, and that they do those sorts of things but violate major principles of the Law of Moses.


Flaky-Builder-1537 t1_j3iirle wrote

That was the first bible verse I memorized as a kid, my dad always told me it was an important one to keep in your heart. Wealth isn’t necessarily a bad thing its just what you do with it and if it changes you. Unfortunately its easy to be corrupted when you become extraordinary wealthy.


HungHung_ t1_j3is6h6 wrote

Everyone who grew up in church knows John 3:16 by heart


TpMeNUGGET t1_j3iyyid wrote

There’s no way psalm 23 has been quoted less than 4 times. It’s been quoted in so many war movies, plus a Coolio song.


deeseearr t1_j3j2irw wrote

The [Klingon Language Version], naturally. Everyone knows that KLV is the definitive one.

"vaD joH'a' vaj loved the qo', vetlh ghaH nobta' Daj wa' je neH puqloD, vetlh 'Iv HartaH Daq ghaH should ghobe' chIlqu', 'ach ghaj eternal yIn."


Xerun1 t1_j3j5j7e wrote

I feel like Matthew 21:17 should really be on here


Proper_Lawfulness_37 t1_j3jcd15 wrote

Cite your sources. What evidence do you have for it being a reference to a gate? Or is that just something you heard someone say? Because here’s a pretty sound argument, including textual analysis of the three gospels who mention it as well as an archaeological reference search to debunk that:


CatchmanJ t1_j3jdas9 wrote

Is Ecclesiastes no longer a book?


KiwasiGames t1_j3jj640 wrote

It’s not really fiction in the library sense. Fiction is designed to be read mostly for pleasure. The bible would most likely end up in a non fiction reference section on religion and/or myth.

Non-fiction generally doesn’t mean “scientifically true”. It’s more about why someone would read a book. Especially down the lower end of the Dewey scale you will find a lot of odd ducks.


d_willie t1_j3jrv5s wrote

Unfortunately it shares a book with the Pulp Fiction one. But it's a favourite for sure.

For the uninitiated:

"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


mattmelb69 t1_j3jz59i wrote

Ha, if there was going to be a verse from Ezekiel, I would have guessed 23:20 (“she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys, and whose emission was like that of horses”)


mattmelb69 t1_j3jzrz1 wrote

I’ve also heard that the words for ‘camel’ and ‘rope’ are very similar, in both Greek and Aramaic; so it’s a pun, and a clever bilingual one at that.

Also, hyperbole was a big part of Jesus’ speaking style (eg “if your right hand offends you, cut it off” - Matt 5:30)


JusMayhem t1_j3k1vci wrote

I had to write the Book of Job in it’s entirety as punishment in my catholic elementary school.

I was a mischievous kid so I wrote it a lot.

Can’t quote it to save my life but I remember the gist of the story better than anything else in that book lol


detective_bigfoot t1_j3k6apc wrote

Oy, where’s Maccabees? I didn’t know this was a Protestant sub.


AgnosticAsian t1_j3kaygn wrote

I guess not everyone shares my interest in Psalms. Those verses vibe real hard.


mariuszmie t1_j3kg4ot wrote

All meaningless ravings of bronze/iron/Middle Ages


Valyrian_Tinfoil t1_j3kmhmd wrote

This video logically defeats itself and forego’s the entire narrative of the Bible that they’re mocking for the sake of repeating the phrase “finely tuned”.

“The universe and most of the planet can’t support life.” then proceeds to show a plant growing out of a crack in the sidewalk…

Also, the vid is called Atheism Comedy, but it had zero humor in it lmao—mockery is just insulting if it’s not funny, not matter how “intellectual” you think the veneer of said mocking is.


thatdaude t1_j3nrbnd wrote

"And you remember ... Matthew ... 21:17"


Yacobeam t1_j3ufbt0 wrote

Philippians 4:13 has to be more than that when Tim Tebow played at Florida