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detective_bigfoot t1_j3qyupb wrote

I’m telling you because I care - this is a fucked up sleep schedule.


Syphion t1_j3t1m4v wrote

Night time sleep is irreplaceable. Also i can't believe how many hours i can actually have when i wake up early. Am also student.


detective_bigfoot t1_j3tgm6x wrote

I’m the early days of the COVID lockdown - March and April of 2020, my partner and I ended up routinely staying up until two or three in the morning and sleeping well past noon. Eventually when I started taking classes and working again I realized I needed to un-fuck my sleep schedule and within a week I realized how terrible I felt all the time when I was doing most of my sleeping during the day. Even if you get a solid 8 hours, sleeping during waking hours will make you feel like absolute shit.