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Ground2ChairMissile t1_je83o1d wrote

>if you're looking to have a discussion.

That presumes that I'm talking to a rational person. On that note...

>How do you define "gun nut" for the purpose of casually dismissing people?

Great question, shockingly! A gun nut is someone who values their own guns and/or access to guns above the lives of other people.

I've answered your question. Now you answer mine. How many school shootings has, say, Canada had this week?

Several gun nuts have outright refused to even consider this question. Let's see if you can do better.


ToxiClay t1_je84e03 wrote

> That presumes that I'm talking to a rational person

You are, and because I'm so rational, I'm concluding that you're not actually interested in having a conversation, but instead punching down. This is evidenced by, among other things, your use of "shockingly" in your next sentence -- and your over-broad definition of "gun nut."

By your definition, to not be a "gun nut," one should want guns banned outright. That'd make a lot more people "gun nuts" than are actually warranted.

Now that I've actually had a chance to briefly experience you, I'm not actually sure I want to have a discussion with you if this is the kind of person you are, and how you interact with people.

Can you tell me I'm wrong?


Ground2ChairMissile t1_je84r5m wrote

>By your definition, to not be a "gun nut," one should want guns banned outright.

Point to where I said "in order to not be a gun nut, one should want to ban guns outright."

Bet you can't. It'd be an awfully hypocritical thing to say, since I own guns myself.

>Several gun nuts have outright refused to even consider this question.

The streak continues.

>Can you tell me I'm wrong?

You still haven't answered my last question.