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Continuity_organizer t1_itslkng wrote

Totally wrong from an economic perspective though. The poster doesn't even understand what economic growth means.

I would try to explain it to him, but it's quite clear that he's more interested in disagreeing with economists than trying to understand them.

As your own post demonstrates, the biggest problem with trying to teach economics is that people think they already know it.


candymannequin OP t1_itsmeeo wrote

you must be fun at parties.

do you have something positive to add to the conversation or are you hear to bandy insults instead of answer questions?


Continuity_organizer t1_itsnh2a wrote

Your post doesn't belong in this form because you're not actually asking a question that you don't understand the answer to.

When you say "I don't understand..." you actually mean "I don't agree..." which is why a ridiculous answer that no economist or economics professor would actually give you is the one you like the best.


candymannequin OP t1_itso2mi wrote

how can you see in my head?! oh right, you can't. as numerous people have helpfully explained to me here, I was misunderstanding what gdp increase really means. thanks to their helpful replies, i now understand why gdp has obviously trended upwards, and that temporary setbacks, and economic ups and downs obviously wouldn't affect that.

I guess what was throwing me off is less economics and more the general "corporate" idea that companies should turn record profits year after year... which doesn't seem feasible to me.

thanks for your.... bad faith assumptions. maybe you are the one that doesn't belong on this sub?