jamesgent32 t1_ixvewwi wrote
Few pointers
1)A lot of 0 calorie sweeteners can have positive feed back loops on the body that actually cause the body to be thirsty/hungrier then before leading to constant consumption of beverage in one sitting when initially you may have only planned on having a sip.
any form of soda, diet or not, is going to be acidic, and this drinking of acid fluid causes bathing of teeth in the acid. Now think about in movies what happens when stuff gets put into acid, the graphic scene of the object dissolving/liquefying. Well simply speeding, the acidic soda does this to your teeth, albeit at a very small level, however overtime this builds up, leading to erosion of your tooth enamel, and you get dental disease even though you weren’t eating sweats like regular coke
sugar normally needs a chemical called insulin to act as a key to open the door to get into cells around your body from the blood. Your body produces insulin in response to sugar being absorbed from your food and entering the blood. Now overtime, the locks on the doors can become busted, especially from overuse and as such the insulin isn’t as a effective and you can end up with sugar being stuck in the blood (this is bad news for the blood and the cells that can’t use the sugar (diabetes).
Well you’d think this wouldn’t be a problem for diet drinks but scientist have discovered the idea that when your bodies taste buds touch something sweet, they prepare the body for all the “sugar” it’s about to absorb and can cause it to produce the insulin even before the sugar gets in the blood. Now if the sugar never gets into the blood because it didn’t exist and it was actually a sweetener like in diet sodas, then you can have a problem, because you have insulin unlocking doors except there’s no sugar waiting out the front. Repetition of This can cause a boy who cried wolf situation essentially, where insulin connecting with the lock may not cause a response, because the cell is sick of them young kids (sweeteners) playing ding dong ditch, except this may happen even when the insulin is trying to unlock the door for actual sugar in the blood, as suddenly you have cells without the sugar they need, and the blood having tooo much sugar (glucose intolerance~diabetes)
Some other unhealthy factors associated with drinking soda of any kind (diet or not) is the caffeine present in many, which you probably no all to well from coffee consumption, causes your to pee your heart out, almost as if you pee more water out then you drink in… well your not wrong, caffeine actually acts as a diuretic and prevents little water vacuums inside the kidneys from sucking water out of the urine (which they normally do to produce the concentrated salty yellow pee) leading to very dilute pee with more water in it then you actually drank making you dehydrated, which isn’t good for your kidneys and other organs if severe enough in short span or if maintained mildly for long period of time
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