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Kingjoe97034 t1_ixul5mz wrote

The big one is that diet soda has a lot of phosphorus in it. If you drink too much, that can suck calcium out of your bones and not just weaken your bones but also encourage kidney stones.


Unablfgunre t1_ixuy8tk wrote

They also have other additives that essentially dehydrate your body.


antiquemule t1_ixv6zqw wrote

And what are they?


sixfourtykilo t1_ixv7y3k wrote

Well, to start with, caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, which dehydrates you.

This is true of any caffeinated beverage really.


Applejuiceinthehall t1_ixw10g2 wrote

It is, but people who drink 4 or more cups of coffee a day aren't less dehydrated than people who don't drink that much.


WasntxMe t1_ixumg4y wrote

Put simply, water is the most hydrating option available and helps the body restore itself after processes such as breaking down foods, breathing, sweating, and removing waste. While diet soda may boast zero calories and zero sugar, it doesn’t hydrate as well as water, and it increases the risk for a number of health issues including insomnia, tooth enamel erosion, and dizziness.

Although it contains zero calories and zero sugar, diet soda contains plenty of other ingredients that can affect the body. Preliminary studies have shown tooth enamel erosion, glucose intolerance, and kidney disease to be associated with diet soda consumption


Exciting_Telephone65 t1_ixuq4sc wrote

Oral rehydration therapy, which contains sugar and salts, is more rehydrating than water.


WasntxMe t1_ixuqpct wrote

Your comment is well outside the scope of the ELI5, but for those interested

> Oral rehydration therapy

in general, oral rehydration solutions should only be used when prescribed by a doctor.

Possible side effects include:

nausea vomiting weakness loss of appetite confusion severe thirst kidney damage


Exciting_Telephone65 t1_ixut6s4 wrote

Don't know if they put radioactive waste or something in ORT where you live. Effervescent tablets are available literally everywhere and are recommended by absolutely every doctor, nurse, pharmacy and medical institution especially in hot weather. The only people who maybe should avoid them are kidney patients on low sodium diets and they will be specifically told so by their doctors.


Flair_Helper t1_ixv8jck wrote

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jamesgent32 t1_ixvewwi wrote

Few pointers

1)A lot of 0 calorie sweeteners can have positive feed back loops on the body that actually cause the body to be thirsty/hungrier then before leading to constant consumption of beverage in one sitting when initially you may have only planned on having a sip.

  1. any form of soda, diet or not, is going to be acidic, and this drinking of acid fluid causes bathing of teeth in the acid. Now think about in movies what happens when stuff gets put into acid, the graphic scene of the object dissolving/liquefying. Well simply speeding, the acidic soda does this to your teeth, albeit at a very small level, however overtime this builds up, leading to erosion of your tooth enamel, and you get dental disease even though you weren’t eating sweats like regular coke

  2. sugar normally needs a chemical called insulin to act as a key to open the door to get into cells around your body from the blood. Your body produces insulin in response to sugar being absorbed from your food and entering the blood. Now overtime, the locks on the doors can become busted, especially from overuse and as such the insulin isn’t as a effective and you can end up with sugar being stuck in the blood (this is bad news for the blood and the cells that can’t use the sugar (diabetes).

Well you’d think this wouldn’t be a problem for diet drinks but scientist have discovered the idea that when your bodies taste buds touch something sweet, they prepare the body for all the “sugar” it’s about to absorb and can cause it to produce the insulin even before the sugar gets in the blood. Now if the sugar never gets into the blood because it didn’t exist and it was actually a sweetener like in diet sodas, then you can have a problem, because you have insulin unlocking doors except there’s no sugar waiting out the front. Repetition of This can cause a boy who cried wolf situation essentially, where insulin connecting with the lock may not cause a response, because the cell is sick of them young kids (sweeteners) playing ding dong ditch, except this may happen even when the insulin is trying to unlock the door for actual sugar in the blood, as suddenly you have cells without the sugar they need, and the blood having tooo much sugar (glucose intolerance~diabetes)

Some other unhealthy factors associated with drinking soda of any kind (diet or not) is the caffeine present in many, which you probably no all to well from coffee consumption, causes your to pee your heart out, almost as if you pee more water out then you drink in… well your not wrong, caffeine actually acts as a diuretic and prevents little water vacuums inside the kidneys from sucking water out of the urine (which they normally do to produce the concentrated salty yellow pee) leading to very dilute pee with more water in it then you actually drank making you dehydrated, which isn’t good for your kidneys and other organs if severe enough in short span or if maintained mildly for long period of time


Sentsuizan t1_ixv0ek5 wrote

Sodas in general make you thirstier and hungrier, which can lead to overeating. Diet sodas have artificial sweeteners many of which are linked to a host of medical problems.

Water is water. Our bodies literally evolved to drink it.


Hemagoblin t1_ixv43bc wrote

As some lovely young ladies on a TLC show informed me,

“Diet soda cancels out the sugars [of the foods you eat].”

Like they literally believed it would just erase any sugars you had consumed that day from your body, like a miracle potion. You can find the clip by searching I’m sure. The American South is a wild place.


lobosrul t1_ixv6k8h wrote

It should be pretty obvious that it doesnt work assuming you mean the women I think you do... They were quite obese.


ArtBaco t1_ixv5o1w wrote

sad. They all likely voted for tRump.


Erschplobenhaggen t1_ixutb48 wrote

Pretty straight answer. In the words of our glorious lord and savior, the great hero of our time, Wilford Brimley: "I'd like to take a moment to talk to you about diabeetus."


hopkins-notakpopper t1_ixuzbx4 wrote

There's no bug infection coming from diet soda. I never seen. But I've seen people getting illness from contaminated water.


RemRose t1_ixv7guy wrote

Thats a insane take on any subject actually. Ineptitude of a subject doesnt translate to doing the worse option simply because you are unaware.


MaiLittlePwny t1_ixum7es wrote

Depending on the soda they have additives that have a variety of effects that water doesn't.

Huge influxes of sugar will cause long term health issues, a risk factor for diabetes for example, and weight gain which has it's own issues.

Caffeine has an effect on your brain chemistry, generally your body over a long period of time will "adjust" to the presence of caffeine meaning that you will require caffeine to feel normal. You are addicted to caffeine.

They also have other additives that essentially dehydrate your body. So you will intake water, quench thirst in the short term, but you will be thirstier after 30 mins than you would be with water. Meaning you drink more.

The long and short of it is that Soda's (even diet) are basically designed not to hydrate you, but to make you want to drink more Soda.

For the most part your body doesn't care about where it gets it's water. About 17% of your water intake comes from food. The issue is the other compounds in soda.


BioticVessel t1_ixuudj5 wrote

You didn't evolve drinking diet soda. Well, you didn't evolve drinking processed foods either. Mankind is extremely short-sighted.


iDiow t1_ixum46m wrote

Water is mandatory for a human being to survive, it contains all the minerals your body need. The soda is kind of the same except you add a load of shit your body doesnt need to work properly ( sweetner etc...) several studies have show the impact of such additives on health... just check about aspartame.


russellvt t1_ixuo27c wrote

Diet Soda is man made chemicals to "trick" your body in to believing you are consuming calories (and namely sucrose or everyone's favorite ... HFCS)

Trouble is, the mucous membranes (the things you "taste" with) ... AKA "taste buds ... They tell the pancreas to start producing insulin (ie. The hormone in your body that tells you cells to "wakeup and eat").

But, just like in "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" ... It doesn't take long for the cells in your body to start *ignoring" that alarm / warning that "food" (ie. glucose) is "on its way." They "learn" that the signal isn't really reliable ... So, they stop listening to it as much ... And start to really only wakeup when they're hungry.

This is called Insulin Resistance ... or ... Type II Diabetes.

Essentially, at that time, we need more and more garbage collectors at that time, as well as more garbage dumps. This manifests itself as cholesterol (garbage collectors) and fat (garbage dumps).

Eating better foods (nuts is a good example) helps increase the amount of stealthy or "thin" assassinators (aka good cholesterol) that is able to escape to the lower intestine via the liver ... The "garbage cops" (AKA bad or large cholesterol) still kinda help clear out the unwanteds in the blood, but they're too big to exit via the liver ... And eventually fall down and accumulate in strange places ... Otherwise known as heart attacks or stroke.

Water, it's just chill... It quietly slips in the front door without "alerting the staff" that they're walking in... If slides on down to the central gathering area, and is immediately allowed to come right in ... No problems.

^(And yeah, I could probably continue or expand and further "clarify" the analogy...)


pseudopad t1_ixutg91 wrote

You should probably not continue or expand because this is a hodge-podge of both information and disinformation.


Applejuiceinthehall t1_ixupfag wrote

Hfcs and sucrose would not be used for diet sodas. Hfcs and sucrose both include fructose and glucose but sucrose includes a chemical bond that joins the fructose and glucose and hfcs doesn't include the bond.


[deleted] t1_ixul2nh wrote



MichaelArch365 t1_ixulrdg wrote

Why are you looking down on someone for asking a question. This is how we get stupid ppl too proud to right themselves.


JalenTargaryen t1_ixulzu4 wrote

This is ELI5. You seem to be lost, r slash imabigdumbdork is over that way.


SalamanderMelodic226 t1_ixuqe9v wrote

Why are you in explainlikeimfive if you’re gonna get mad to explain like they’re five lol