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fubo t1_j2f3l80 wrote

They only encounter it when it doesn't work; and it's a hazardous chemical that makes their job harder.

If your sink drain is blocked up, here are some things that could happen:

  1. You just call the plumber.
  2. You try plunging it with a sink plunger; that works. You don't call the plumber.
  3. You try plunging it, but that doesn't work. You call the plumber.
  4. You put drain cleaner down it, and it works. You don't call the plumber.
  5. You put drain cleaner down it, and it doesn't work. You call the plumber.

The plumber only sees cases #1, #3, and #5. They don't see the cases #2 and #4 where you were able to unblock your sink yourself.

The plumber's opinions come from the cases they see:

  • Case #1 is usually a really easy fix.
  • Case #3 is less easy (because the clog is bad enough the plunger didn't work) but still okay.
  • Case #5 is now a sink drain full of nasty chemicals that want to eat organic matter (including plumbers' skin).

So from the plumber's perspective, they'd rather you didn't use drain cleaner. They never see the upside of it (case #4), so for them it's always the absolute worst.


Some_Unusual_Name t1_j2fpica wrote

I'm a plumber, you're fairly spot on but 5 things to consider.

  1. If a plunger didn't work then draino is unlikely to work as the clog is likely past the trap and vent meaning that the draino will be very diluted if it ever makes its way to the clog. If it's just a slow drain the draino will drain past it and not help.

  2. Draino can weaken pipes. They swear up and down on the bottle that it doesn't, but it does.

  3. People often have leaks under their sink that they didn't know about. Now there is draino covering your cabinet and floor, possibly leaking into the ceiling space of the floor below.

  4. Draino has lye in it, your pipes have fat and grease in them. What do you get when you mix them together? Hard soap. Do it enough and you've made you problem a lot worse, it can also strip the oils from hair and leave behind the protein eventually causing a bigger problem.

  5. It weakens auger cables. Weak auger cables can break off in pipes. Your problem just got a lot worse.

I started with 2 things to consider but more just kept coming to me. Seriously, try plunging, try using a hand held auger, don't pour boiling water into any of your fixtures, baking soda and vinegar won't do anything (but if you insist on trying DO NOT MIX WITH DRAINO)


Peace_Hopeful t1_j2fsg45 wrote

What's bad about pouring in boiling water?


legendofthegreendude t1_j2fwhmt wrote

Not a plumber but have done some basic construction work on sites and in houses. A lot of modern plumbing uses PVC pipe or some plastic equivalent. Pouring boiling water into a drain that's clogged shut can trap that water and transfer the heat to the pipe leading it to deform or the joints to come loose.

What I would personally be more worried about is if it's a slower leak. Your drainage pipes have lots of fat and such in them. The hot water will melt or dislodge chunks of it that will reform into a larger problem farther down the pipe.


Ironfishmonger t1_j2fvwi3 wrote

Sodium Hydroxide gives off a lot of heat when dissolved in water. By giving it a head start with pre-boiled water you risk it splattering and that stuff does not like human skin, eyes and mucous membranes.


Taleya t1_j2fv9en wrote

Baking soda and vinegar are great if you've got a bit of a stank in your drain, but won't do shit for a clog


_Forgotten t1_j2fjzaw wrote

And the price difference for a plummer vs draino for when cases 2 and 4 work?


fubo t1_j2fmbro wrote

Every house & apartment should have a sink plunger and a toilet plunger.


[deleted] t1_j2fmrs2 wrote



mkomaha t1_j2flh5m wrote

Yeah confirmation bias is a hell of a thing.


H4zardousMoose t1_j2fmsd9 wrote

I'd put it more akin to a survivor bias. The issue stems not from them only looking for evidence supporting their opinion, but them not encountering a fair sample. They only see the drain cleaner "survivors", never those that got unclogged.


fubo t1_j2fm8dx wrote

It's not confirmation bias. They literally do have to deal with a drain full of concentrated flesh-eating chemicals.


alpacabowlkehd t1_j2fprq7 wrote

You’re probably not gonna get any on you if you use a snake like most plumbers would for a severe clog


legendofthegreendude t1_j2fx3n7 wrote

Ya but that stuff will eat away at snakes. Not to mention that it still splashes and can get on you fairly easily