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Adventurous-Quote180 t1_j2dykwk wrote

> for some reason

I live europe, but i remember that this was covered in US sitcomes often, that parents give codein their kids to get them sleep


Cleopatrashouseboy t1_j2eylfn wrote

Yeah I remember being around 11 and having the flu. My doctor prescribed pure codeine and my mum would give it every four hours. Needless to say I slept that whole week, lol.


TeamGrissini t1_j2e16u9 wrote

I don't remember her doing that, but who knows! I do remember helping myself to it without any hint of a cough, though, as a teenager, which in hindsight was not the best situation.


Adventurous-Quote180 t1_j2e3p2p wrote

Oh yeah thats a tipical sitcom situation too. Teens having their first big party or prom and drinking codein (bc they are too young to buy alcohol)