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Azeranth t1_j26fcqb wrote

The length of the day has to essentially due with the shadow of the earth. Night time is being in earth's shadow. Because the earth is at angle to the sun, the sun does not koe directly over head, meaning the number of degrees the sun has to travel across the sky are fewer. So, the earth rotates the same number of degrees per minute (roughly) and when the sun has to traverse fewer degrees to make it nighttime again it becomes nighttime sooner.


aDvious1 t1_j26jezt wrote



Azeranth t1_j26k90h wrote

When the sun is lower in the sky, as in, the angle between the sun and horizon is smaller, the sun has to traverse fewer degrees across the sky to set. So it sets sooner. It's because the earth spins at an angle relati e to the plane it orbits the sun along