
Azeranth t1_j5rwbzy wrote

Generally the answer is sort of. They take your insurance information, and are not allowed to lie about being in network. That's insurance fraud and they get in big trouble.

They usually make you sign something agreeing to pay whatever insurance won't. This is sort of redundant, but you essentially are confirming that you understand that insurance may not fully cover your care. You should not have to sign this at an in network facility when undergoing non-elective care. Exceptions arise for emergency care where you sign on a blanket basis, because it's likely to overrun your premiums.

They are not legally required to tell you what the price will be and they are not legally required to honor the price advertised when they bill you. Importantly, they also can't just lie. They're bound by what's called "good faith". As long as they price they give you is honestly their best guess, they're off the hook.

Forcing medical providers, especially hospitals to publish and honor the price of their services not subject to insurance negotiation was a big part of Trumps healthcare reform initiatives, along with right to try and other misc small items.


Azeranth t1_j5ruj9k wrote

Your insurance has an advertised price for a procedure saying "we will pay upto X price". If the doctor thinks "well that's a fair price" then they accept the insurance. If not, they don't.

Sometimes they'll ask you to cover the difference between what insurance will pay and what the doctor charges.

These are different from co-pays, which the insurance expects you to pay before the insurance pays, meaning you pay no matter how much the insurance covers, even all of it.


Azeranth t1_j29tydw wrote

The main difference is that you can stop exercising, rest, recover, etc etc. Prolonged anxiety keeps the body I'm a state of heightened alertness that it never backs down from. It's the fact that you stay wound up forever and don't calm back down to heal and recover that makes that kind of stress bad.

Some stress, followed by rest is good. Some stress forever all the time, is bad.


Azeranth t1_j270fx3 wrote

Digesting food is a big one. You essentially have enough blood (ability to distribute oxygen and calories) to run two of three between your stomach, your brain, and your muscles. One of the reasons working out while on a full stomach causes vomiting is because the stomach is upset about the lack of resources available for it to do its job, so it gives up to protect you from harm.

Alternatively, eating after a long day of work puts you straight to sleep because your muscles need to heal and clean, and your stomach needs to digest dinner. You can't run your whole body at once, and sleep is what we call it when your brain and muscles are turned off to let cleaning, healing, maintaining, ad digesting to happen.


Azeranth t1_j26sef0 wrote

Depression, in many ways, is a situation in which the brain becomes untethered from its positive reward systems. It's not just absence of happiness or the presence of unhappiness, it's largely a loss of the desire be happy.

In this situation, the brain function in "low power mode". How much effort your brain expends on processing information is proportional to a variety of complex brain systems that measure how worthwhile what you're doing is. Doing something worthwhile results in positive reward.

No positive reward systems, no ability to detect the worthwhilness of activities, no proportional increase in effort expended.

Turns out, remembering, reading, understanding, doing math, general normal function, requires a lot of effort. If you're sufficiently depressed, it can be more ffort than the brain is calibrated to expend.

Keep in mind, there is a lot more to depression than I explained. For example, the serotonin system is just one of many system that calibrates threat sensitivity, mood stability, and as a result partially mediates systems like aggression and exploratory behavior. But that's not the whole picture. The important thing to understand is that the brain more or less shuts down


Azeranth t1_j26fcqb wrote

The length of the day has to essentially due with the shadow of the earth. Night time is being in earth's shadow. Because the earth is at angle to the sun, the sun does not koe directly over head, meaning the number of degrees the sun has to travel across the sky are fewer. So, the earth rotates the same number of degrees per minute (roughly) and when the sun has to traverse fewer degrees to make it nighttime again it becomes nighttime sooner.


Azeranth t1_iubxuum wrote

In the simplest terms, a firewall is a peice of software that reads the contents of a packet as it attempts to enter and leave a device.

Some networks are set up with special routers who's only purpose is to run this software, and receive incoming traffic, inspect it, and pass it on (or drop it) based on if it thinks it's safe.

How firewalls work, well that's a little more complicated.

Essentially, most designs come down to a giant flowchart of rules. Each step in the flow chart will perform some task based on the information being inspected, and will make a decision based on the result. Generally, the decision will be to either

1.) Drop the packet, meaning to not let it pass, and move on

2.) Accept the packet, meaning to let it pass and move on

3.) Jump to a new rule, meaning divert into an alternative branch of the flow chart

  1. Pass, meaning to just do nothing and the let the next rule decide.

Most of the time you'll set up a chain of rules so that if you pass every step, you get to go to the next one, but if you fail you get dropped. This is like a logical and. "You must be this tall to ride AND you must be wearing your swim trumks"

Sometimes you'll do the opposite, where success means you're accepted, and failure means you get passed along. This is a logical OR "You must pay full price OR have a coupon"

Jumping is most helpful when you want rules to only apply to certain types of packets. So, if for example you wanted to detect when someone was uploading a file to your file server, as opposed to browsing a website hosted on your network, you might have extra rules to make sure the file they're trying to send is safe and normal before giving it the all clear. But those rules don't make sense when looking at website browsing traffic, so we branch to the file upload rules when we detect it happening.

What the rules actually look like can be pretty complex too, but because speed is a priority you often do your simplest checks first to try and reduce the amount of times you have to do your more complex checks. If a packet is going to be dropped the objective is to detect and drop it asap so as not to waste resources.

The simplest and most common rule checks whether a specific value is at a specific location. It's like saying "is the third letter in this sentence an 'l'. The third letter was not an l, do we fail the rule and move on. Sometimes these rules get a little more complex. We might want to check if any one of several values exist in a particular location. We want an OR. The problem is, we are in the middle of a large AND, how do we resolve this?

To do this, we'd do some jumping magic. We jump to a chain of OR rules. Then, instead of accepting the packet, we go back to where we jumped from, and treat the jump statement like a sungle rule that either came back true or false. This very powerful technique is like having parentheses and let's us make very nuanced and deeply nested queries out of very simple and thus very quick parts.

The next most complicated rule is not just a matching rule, but a pattern rule. Rather than look for a value in a single place, we ask does this value occur anywhere in a range of places. Because firewalls are often designed to be minimal and fast, there are many implementation that cut even this basic function just to be better at doing the most simple queries. The solution, we use multiple firewalls at once. An example of one of these more complicated firewalls is called Snort. Snort let's you do all kinds of complex pattern based queries looking for complex patterns of data in anything you might want to examine in a packet. Of course, it's slower, but it's unbelievably powerful and is the backbone of every secure network.

Final though, we get to the mack daddy of firewall rules. Stateful inspection. Sometimes we aren't just looking at a pattern in a single piece of data, in a single packet. Sometimes we need to find a pattern across multiple packets. Sometimes we store information from one packet to help analyze the packets that come after it. Now we're not just slowing down, now we're using memory. That's a big and expensive cost for something that's supposed to examine everything, so we usually reserve it for critical needs and systems, or only inspect a random sampling of traffic this way. In either case, stateful inspection is the king. There's no part of a session or protocol you can't examine that way. Any question you want to ask, any criteria you want to use, stateduk will get you there. It's just slow and expensive and only useful in a tiny tiny minority of cases.


Azeranth t1_iubuzoy wrote

A side note, ELO systems. ELO or MMR systems use some variation of th ELO algorithm created for ranking chess players. It works by assigning players a number which denotes their skill.

When two players play eachother, the probability of either person winning is calculated based on the difference in their scores. The general formula, is that two people with equal scores have a 50/50 shot at winning. For every point by which one player iss below the other, that players assumed odds of winning g are reduced by some percentage for every point. So 1 point below you might reduce his odds by 1% so he has a 49.5% chance of winning. Then another point so a other 1% now they have a 49.05% chance of winning and so on and so on.

When the game is over, the players scores are adjusted according to how much of an upset the results of the game were. So, if a player won a game they were likely to lose, they'd get more points than if they were likely to win it. Eventually, you're so likely to win that you would gain less than some threshold of points. At this threshold you usually just gain 0 rather than a fraction of a point. Both to keep the math easy in the future, as we as to represent that you played someone so much worse than you that it basically doesn't count.

The amount of points you can win at once are also bounded. So the harder the odds are against you, the less pay off you get the more unlikely it is. In other words, you have to win increasingly more unlikely games to get the next additional point.

Because the way the odds work, the game is considered to be too wide in skill gap before the odds get so extreme that you get 80 points in one game. This solves the problem of outlier games where sometimes an unskilled player will get lucky against a far more skilled opponent, and has to play many more games to even things out.

Finally, all the points one player gains, the other loses. Meaning that if you lose a bunch, your rati g goes downdown, then you win all your rematches, you should end up in a similar place, though technically be a use of rounding error you might not.