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t1_j28e3gt wrote

>If we were able to have rockets built without money stopping us , we could start having resources from outer space like asteroids , moons , planets etc , we could also do a lot of researches expanding our technology , making us more complex , having bases around the solar system , we could start by putting resources on a base on moon , mars or other planets , we could even have space travel from not rockets , but skyhooks.

I'm not really sure what you're asking here - could you rephrase your question?
Money is an intermediary tool to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. It has no impact on those goods or services. A house is still a house, a pizza is still a pizza and a rocket is still a rocket - whether you pay for them in Euro, Bitcoin or sheep does not matter.


t1_j28ep7v wrote

Smoke less weed… and study maths more…come back in 5-10 years with the answer to your question.


t1_j28f48w wrote

Unfortunately politics and the old farts in control of the world are slowing down humanities progression.


t1_j28fczk wrote

Money is not a thing on its own, its a representation of labor and resources. So you are basicly asking if we could build rockets with out using labor and resources. I mean yeah if you could make a rocket just apear out of nothing sure it would help but that is not physicly possible.


t1_j28g803 wrote

I mean yes. But also no. Resources for everything are limited. And greed is a thing. So when individuals/corporations/governments hoard our limited resources it’s hard to progress things like major space exploration past a certain point.


OP t1_j28hky3 wrote

I mean , they don’t have to worry about resources , if they were just able to mine from asteroids or the solar system. We could have drones , bases to make it automatic. Resources wouldn’t be a worry , if we could just stop mining on earth, I just don’t get why stuck in a bubble and not expand.


t1_j28jc75 wrote

Yea but we need resources in order to create the tech that gets us to moons and asteroids and the tech to mine those moons and asteroids. And our resources here are limited.


OP t1_j28jmxu wrote

We already created space probes that destroyed asteroids and even collected samples , the resources we gathered from the asteroids could be used to build more drones and probes , the first and second ones would probably be nearby earth asteroids and the cycle keeps on going.


t1_j28ourg wrote

Collecting samples is VERY different from mining for resources. The tech may be related but it’s like digging a hole with a garden spade vs a mechanical backhoe. A lot of money/development needs to go into that and our governments choose to use that money elsewhere instead. That’s not to say it won’t ever happen. We’re closer than ever. But I don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon.


t1_j28gcrk wrote

Money is more like a communication tool than anything else, it communicates society’s value for your stuff allowing you a proportional access to society’s resources.

That problem of resource distribution does not disappear if you remove the communication method. That’s like saying the neighbours are arguing over the boundary line, if they were unable to speak they wouldn’t have a problem. The underlying issue of resource distribution would not be solved if they couldn’t communicate


t1_j28gv97 wrote

Please read this entire message

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t1_j28h3ek wrote

Read this back to yourself slowly, think about it, and repost in the morning. Or just send it to your English teacher and have them tell you whats wrong with it.


OP t1_j28jvpy wrote

Sometimes words can’t describe our thoughts , plus English isn’t my main language.