LARRY_Xilo t1_jdifi7b wrote

Its "the best" because its very fast, everyone understands what to do and you dont need to figure out what even went wrong or how to fix it. Most things could be fixed without a restart but it requires knowledge, time and access to the device. So why try to use valuable time from someone with knowledge if a restart also works.


LARRY_Xilo t1_j6k85uz wrote

This is a bit above eli5 but a simplfied version is because of relativity the faster you go the slower time happens. At c time stands still, if you were to go faster than c time would happen backwards. And with our current understanding of physics we dont have the slightes clue what time going backwards would look like. Also even though most people know c as the speed of light its actually not, light has diffrent speeds depending on the medium it travels through, the fastest is through a vacum which is c or the speed of causality.


LARRY_Xilo t1_j6hsxoz wrote

All systems that I know of that have defined terms like 25 years, also have concepts for people that are still considered dangerous but its not part of the prison time because its not the punishment but to protect other people from that person. In german for example its called "Sicherheitsverwarung" which would translate to security detention.


LARRY_Xilo t1_iy4xwuj wrote

"Processed" is kind of missleading in this case. Whole weed flour is still processed otherwise you would just have a grain and not flour. You just skip one step in the process that is sieving out the other parts. The milling acctually gets more difficult with whole weed if I remeber correctly. So no production cost does not realy change. And yes it makes properties better to bake, though "better" depends on what you want to make. For most comercial products finer grain is usually better and it also tastes sweeter, which is what most people like.


LARRY_Xilo t1_iueyhbr wrote

Because its incredebly hard and incredebly expensive to do. Being extremly woried about suply chains for geopolitical reason is a thing that came back with Corona and even more so with the russian war against ukraine. Why invest billions into something with no or litle monetary benifit if in the last 30 years nothing has happend that interuped the existing supply chains. On another note its not just sensitive to geopolitcs in SEA and EA its just as depended on Western European and American geopolitics. So if you realy want to become indepened from the rest of the world for chips be ready to invest proably hundred of billions and if nothing happens in Taiwan you gain basicly nothing.


LARRY_Xilo t1_iudgig3 wrote

If its a link very often there is a part behind the normal link to a site that tells the website where you came from. It is usually something like reddit(dot)com/r/eli5/thispost?asdhjahjsdjkasdjghk the part behind the question mark then could tell me you got to this post through an add on facebook or google or what ever (there are other ways to do this but this is a very common one). After that websites save cookies to identify you and can match where you came from and what you bought.