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t1_j67lq4j wrote

'Air' didn't get in. You let the milk spoil, which is caused by bacteria reproducing. Bacteria are alive, they eat and shit like any other living thing. In your case, they ate the water and sugar in the milk and shat alcohol and carbon dioxide, and kept doing that until the pressure was too high for the container to hold.


OP t1_j67lwii wrote

Okay I see. So the stuff they were shitting took up more space than the stuff they were consuming so it exploded?


OP t1_j67n5nh wrote

What would happen if it was something stronger than a plastic bottle?

What if it was a very strong material sealing the milk in and the bacteria kept going making more and more gas? What would happen?


t1_j67onk0 wrote

The pressure will keep building up until either the container gives way or the bacteria run out of sugar to eat.