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Yagotsu t1_ja5i4n8 wrote

Kinda odd post. At least most people aren't mean. You said you worked fine dining for bunch of years, you don't prep during service. Prep time is your friend when the kids aren't trying to kill one another. Set and forget meals are amazing. Most of that stuff would have been fine tossed in the oven, a little oil of your choice won't kill a diet nor would seasonings.

Do your little ones like grouper? This plate screams picky child plate.

My close buddy did a raw food diet that I joined them on and it was simply the most boring time ever. It does help you learn some knife skills to make interesting shapes but half the stuff is just raw veggies on top of salad.


Towels_are_friends OP t1_ja5j4hm wrote

My kids would never eat this and this meal was kind of a spur of the moment one. My main meal prep with this one was to time the sweet potato to finish whenever I finished sautéing the fish and cutting the cucumber and breaking apart the broccoli. My children are 4 and 2 and are quite the handful when I’m alone with them. But during the sweet potato baking I made them a lovely Mac n cheese with hotdogs because… well you know, the picky stuff. Used their food distraction to cook the fish.


Yagotsu t1_ja5jh0f wrote

At least they both like that! I always have the most annoying time trying to figure out how to feed two small children that don't both like the same thing.

Throws off all your timings! Glad you got something in you :D


Towels_are_friends OP t1_ja5kj4q wrote

Some days are definitely more difficult than others! Tbh I probably wouldn’t have posted to this sub considering the such hard critique I didn’t know that I would receive, thinking it wouldn’t be as brutal as r/culinaryplating but I was in a positive moment and the food looked good to me. But I’m not going to delete anything just because of that. Have you had any luck getting them to eat different foods? My oldest used to love everything and has now reverted to only easy microwaveable garbage.


Yagotsu t1_ja5pmvc wrote

It is strange on both sides really. People just tend to like overly fancy dishes, ones you can learn a recipe from or possibly one with a story. You don't get to post any of that alongside the picture, so it seems like an out of place post when no context given. Post whatever ya want! Have fun, its the internet. Sometimes you'll get good responses, sometimes bad.



I wish there was a great trick to getting kids to like other foods but really just gotta keep at it as long as they are willing to try. From reading a lot of people's take on it nowadays...I guess I'm in between old people forcing them to sit at the table for 3 hours and young people kowtowing to any demand. Having stuff on the side to lets say the mac and cheese for them to try alongside worked for me! I'm not super healthy by any means but some of that microwave junk contains more sugar than a milkshake.



Time will save you for sure!



*Had to post again got modded three times for nothing offensive. And to go somewhere else if I don't like how it is modded. What a goofy place.