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Salty_Shellz t1_jdkq79z wrote

Stunning. Those danishes with a bit of guava paste and I could die totally happy.


ThaNanoAnno t1_jdlhx2i wrote

It looks delicious, but what in the world is a cheese danish? As a Dane in very confused


leaponover t1_jdlkhzb wrote

Looks good but if it's Korean style garlic bread it'll have too much sugar :(


Mr_sludge t1_jdlky0j wrote

What in the name of HC Andersen is a cheese danish? I’m a bit intrigued and you Americans are funny, but also part of me wants to UNESCO heritage our pastry now


TheRopeofShadow t1_jdn6og6 wrote

Do you think every Korean dish contains gochujang?

It's a popular street food from Korea, the presentation and flavour is different from Western garlic bread (usually savory and not usually served like this cut bun). The butter flavoring is sweetened with sugar.


Shoobeedooba t1_jdnb7cc wrote

Yum. I love both, and it probably means I’m long overdue to make some myself. Nice work!


welchplug t1_jdndfvo wrote

The Danish originated in Vienna, and was brought to Denmark in the mid-1800s due to a strike amongst bakery workers that pushed Danish bakery owners to hire from abroad. Among the bakers that were hired, some were Austrian, and brought their own recipes to Denmark, hence the 'Danish' being born.