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RavenNymph90 t1_jd4089c wrote

It’s like a savory cinnamon roll.


OutlyingPlasma t1_jd5ubey wrote

Which raises the question why don't we have more savory cinnamon rolls? Or how about other sweet versions? Why does it have to be just cinnamon? Why not raspberry compote with cream cheese frosting or something similar?


RavenNymph90 t1_jd5ulx5 wrote

Ikr? That was my first thought. I bet you could do spinach and cream cheese.


Dearadnarim t1_jd5xx32 wrote

I'm on board with this, as I am allergic to cinnamon. Every time you see one that has a different flavor it always has cinnamon in it too.


thisisthewell t1_jd6nfaw wrote

Make your own with cardamom! It's beyond incredible. You still get the warmth in the flavor but it's a step up. Just replace the cinnamon in a recipe with an equal amount of cardamom.


shadmere t1_jd7cxt1 wrote

I made orange rolls once using orange marmalade and orange zest covered in a cream cheese/orange frosting. It was one of the best things I ever made.


Platinum-Light777 t1_jd62ghr wrote

I’ve had a strawberries and cream one before! So good! And there’s these lemon blueberry sweet rolls from the frozen section at grocery stores that are delicious!


iheartyerface t1_jd6hkmq wrote

I actually make other flavors but a crowd favorite seems to be apple pie rolls. I add my apple pie filling to the rolled out dough but dice the apples instead of slicing. It's also really great with blueberry pie filling and then make a cream cheese frosting. Maple and candied bacon is the next trial roll.


PM_Your_Trash_TV t1_jd7c11r wrote

We have other savory and sweet versions in my country but they are called snails. And generally they are a bit thinner than traditional cinnamon rolls.


Safetyhawk t1_jd7phej wrote

Every once in a blue moon, I will make Peanut butter and Jelly rolls for special occasions.


CakeDragon t1_jd7nsue wrote

BBC Good Food has a recipe for olive bread swirls. I've made them a few times, they're delicious!


AwareBumblebee4596 t1_jd9cs0s wrote

Search babka. Loads of different flavours with the same basic method Delighted I made a cranberry, pistachio, and white chocolate one today


housewifewithaknife OP t1_jd40c4t wrote

Pretty much!! The cheese striation on the cross section is pretty impressive, too.


Dearadnarim t1_jd5xp88 wrote

As someone who is allergic to cinnamon...this looks absolutely amazing!


RavenNymph90 t1_jd5y45e wrote

Try raspberry rolls! You can use any jam, really. They’re like cinnamon, but with different fillings.


Bunnips7 t1_jd759lr wrote

There's a thing in countdown NZ called a Savoury pinwheel. It's got ham, cheese, sauce and fried onions in it and is pretty good.


RavenNymph90 t1_jd96i9t wrote

That sounds good. I’ve seen variations here in the US. I’m going to ask because I’m admittedly naive. Is Countdown a city or province?


Bunnips7 t1_jda7lj3 wrote

That's fine! I'm an immigrant so not knowing is my norm haha, it's a supermarket chain.. It did feel like a place name that's my bad ^^^