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brandirosie OP t1_jc4kl8b wrote

Reply to comment by Sydeburnn in [homemade] guacamole by brandirosie

Lol it's a trick to keep it from turning brown 😂


danknadoflex t1_jc4ned5 wrote

No need. If you don’t have a vacuum sealer get plastic wrap and push it down on top of the guac in its storage container so it makes full contact with the guac all around and folds out and over the sides of the storage container, then close the lid over the guac with a plastic wrap layer.


brandirosie OP t1_jc4ni6x wrote

I've done this before and it's not my favorite. I really do prefer the pits. It's much easier and less messy. I agree it does work though


danknadoflex t1_jc4ow8w wrote

Fair enough. The pits method never works quite as well for me. I still get mad browning. I also use a guac-lock container sometimes which is the same concept but a purpose built product


getgoingfast t1_jc4l1nq wrote

Wow, tell me that trick really works? I thought only lemon juice works.


SomethingWitty2578 t1_jc4uafr wrote

It doesn’t. The guac turns brown because of an enzymatic reaction between polyphenol oxidase and oxygen. The only ways to prevent browning are either an air tight container or something the deactivates the enzyme (like lime juice).

Edit- autocorrect typo, lime juice


bettywhitenipslip t1_jc55ujg wrote

No it doesn't work, but many people like to believe it does. There's no sensible reason why it would ever work for mashed up avocado.


brandirosie OP t1_jc4l9v1 wrote

Yep. And then I also use sour cream that helps quite a bit. And then I used canned jalapeno juice as well. It usually lasts for about 3 to 5 days before it starts really getting the icky brown. Couple years ago is when I started adding the pits to it before it would last, maybe two days. after adding pits is when it started getting a lot better 🙂
