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User1212131 t1_jcytjgd wrote

Did you make the pasta?


Gfgd420 t1_jczqb3p wrote

Almost nobody makes pasta secca at home. There's no reason to. You pull out the 00 flour, eggs and oil and get to work making pasta fresca when it comes to things like ravioli because there's really no better way to do it, but for this even professional chefs will buy the pasta secca pre-made.


aycee31 t1_jd07eai wrote

so many folks don't seem to know this.


Gfgd420 t1_jd0g28j wrote

Wait until they figure out how professional bakers make their cakes and shit. They'll lose their goddamn minds if they think a home cook is making pasta fresca for rigatoni.


User1212131 t1_jd2e9zp wrote

Not really home made then, is it? Have draw the line somewhere.


chrisbruens t1_jd2oots wrote

This might suprise you, but he probably didn't get the ground beef from a homeraised cow either.


User1212131 t1_jd2vbj1 wrote

Be mindful of finding equilibrium in your actions and decisions, so you don't veer off into excess.


Gfgd420 t1_jd4ang8 wrote

Is he supposed to grow the grain and mill the flour as well? Raise the chickens collect the eggs and raise the cow, slaughter it for beef? Start an olive farm and make oil? Grow the onions, carrots, all the seasonings as well? Where are you drawing the line guy because for 99% of people, the line gets drawn at pasta secca. There's literally no reason to make it homemade.


User1212131 t1_jd54hz2 wrote

I understand your perspective on the term 'homemade'; however, I believe it is unreasonable to expect individuals to raise livestock or cultivate their own crops in order to satisfy the criteria for a homemade meal. That being said, pasta can be easily prepared at home and is, in my opinion, a crucial component for a meal to be deemed 'homemade.' While most of the items in your list are impractical to create from scratch, it is important to differentiate between utilizing pre-made ingredients and simply heating a pre-packaged meal. For instance, if I were to share a photo of a microwavable burger accompanied by instant mashed potatoes and label it as homemade, I would anticipate disagreement. Consequently, my contention is that I do not consider the aforementioned meal to be truly 'homemade.'