dataminer-x t1_iuei3xc wrote
Pineapple, bacon, Jalapeno?
meatybone OP t1_iuejlxx wrote
It's pineapple, bacon, jalapeño, and ham with a garlic and parmesean crust
Aromatic_Highlight68 t1_iueq7vq wrote
I don't know why I read this as peanut butter and jelly, looks delicious though.
Substantial_carrots t1_iuesk46 wrote
Why. Sorry i thought it was Peanut butter jelly oizza
ikilledmystepdad t1_iuetbpj wrote
I was mad but then I realized it wasn’t peanut butter and jelly
DoubleLigero85 t1_iueuc4k wrote
I saw peanut butter and jelly in the title, and got more and more excited as I looked at the toppings. I thought, " maybe a Thai peanut sauce, with pineapple serving as the 'jelly', some ham and jalapeno... Sounds delicious!"
Then came the realization, and while it looks delicious, I can't help but be a little disappointed.
TheVisceralCanvas t1_iuf21iq wrote
So it's more like PBJAHWAGAPC?
hopingtothrive t1_iuf4ffo wrote
Peanut Butter and Jelly!!
RazzleberryHaze t1_iuf55rp wrote
No its a peanut butter and jelly pizza you unseasoned chicken wing
Thunder_Mug t1_iuf9bo7 wrote
You seriously gotta rephrase this post….
SanguineAnder t1_iuf9qpr wrote
It's Digiorno.
PM_YOUR_MANATEES t1_iufavwu wrote
There's a place in Madison that serves this (Glass Nickel) and they call it a Border to Border.
cocktailbun t1_iufbbca wrote
Pineapple 👎
Johnmannesca t1_iufbbud wrote
Sub the bacon for al pastor and you can be my friend
GetDunkedOnNoobs t1_iufhc21 wrote
PBJ the right way🤌
GetDunkedOnNoobs t1_iufhe43 wrote
Fkin gold🤣
Jay_Hawker_12021859 t1_iufi9p4 wrote
With that imagination and enthusiasm I'm pretty sure you should be a professional chef.
balgram t1_iufiwtb wrote
Man I was right there with you. I was really excited by the idea of a PB&J pizza, maybe like a dessert pizza or something? I clicked for the inspiration, thought I got trolled, then realized what it was and wished it was something else.
A thai peanut sauce, some fruit to be the "jelly," a milder flavored protein like chicken...that sounds best. Maybe you could use sweet chili sauce as a finish for the jelly. I like thai chicken pizza with cilantro, and now I just want some chicken, peppers, maybe pineapple...yeah. That sounds good. Off to make a grocery list.
Active-Culture t1_iufj9da wrote
Zoefschildpad t1_iufjspd wrote
Everyone is so pissed off about the peanut butter and jelly confusion that they've all forgotten to be mad about the pineapple. Quite an accomplishment.
[deleted] t1_iufk8ua wrote
3pic4rtisan t1_iufl4y3 wrote
Pretty sure the OC already knew and decided to roll with it.
wingerktl t1_iufmcvk wrote
Me too! I like it with a BBQ sauce drizzle on top.
Active-Culture t1_iufmtmn wrote
Oooo yes
estebancantbearsedno t1_iufmwqq wrote
With OP would have been clearer.
Had he said PBJAHWAGAPC I would have known exactly what was on the pizza.
RockRage-- t1_iufn56n wrote
Sweet and spicy, perfect pizza combo
Paddlesons t1_iufoc0a wrote
Yeah baby, my kinda pie
NoPanfakeMix t1_iufofwb wrote
I thought I was the only one. This is my favorite pizza
Beneficial_Egg1550 t1_iufplh0 wrote
How is this even remotely PBJ
DoubleLigero85 t1_iufqc2k wrote
I spend a lot of time on kitchen confidential... I stick with my amateur cheffing, thanks!
Hooch_Pandersnatch t1_iufqfm1 wrote
Peanut butter and jelly on a pizza is fine but pineapple… that’s where I draw the line!
DoubleLigero85 t1_iufqgdg wrote
Damn, that sounds great!
Apprehensive-Buy7248 t1_iufrzvm wrote
I really like this combo, although I do preffer sausage instead of bacon.
Killerderp t1_iufuln7 wrote
I just wanted to say that this pizza looks amazingly delicious.
Killerderp t1_iufung4 wrote
Keep going, I'm almost there....
Killerderp t1_iufuvxk wrote
Onions and some BBQ sauce.... Oh God, I've gone and made myself hungry. :(
Vidofnir_KSP t1_iufw1c5 wrote
Love me a Hot Hawaiian Pizza.
Kanadianmaple t1_iufwbz0 wrote
Same. Sweet, spicy, salty. The trifecta.
Salty_kernel t1_iufwz79 wrote
I've never tried it with bacon but I'm willing to make it my favorite just for the acronym.
wingerktl t1_iufx16i wrote
Maybe a little ranch to dip it in...
macph t1_iufx3iz wrote
(Pineapple bacon and jalapeño - op is playing games with our emotions)
AzraelNewtype t1_iufx9wi wrote
Pineapple Bacon Jalapeño
Life-Is-Caramel t1_iufy3hs wrote
That looks awesome! Can you share the recipe for the dough and tomato sauce?
Thunder_Mug t1_iufy435 wrote
Haha alright fine. It is what it is.
alesimula97 t1_iufy8ia wrote
Take out the pineapples, maybe add some red onions, and you've got yourself a decent pizza
Beneficial_Egg1550 t1_iufy9f8 wrote
Beneficial_Egg1550 t1_iufyagc wrote
Future-Agent t1_iufymwu wrote
night_owl37 t1_iufznkg wrote
I just wish I liked pickled things. Pepperoni and pineapple is basically perfect.
night_owl37 t1_iufzr46 wrote
I think u/killerderp has the sauce part covered…
Killerderp t1_iufzyfu wrote
Aw, fuck yeah
dj_spanmaster t1_iug12wn wrote
A perfect encapsulation of my own thoughts and feelings. Thank you, favortwin.
ipickscabs t1_iug3p18 wrote
Hey man they’re tasty af and nice and crunchy crispy with just a bit of salt. Appreciate, don’t hate, thanks mate.
SolomonCRand t1_iug3q1f wrote
This is an amazing and underrated combination. If you wanna go buck wild, add hot honey.
RazzleberryHaze t1_iug5naj wrote
Just a bit of light hearted humor mate
ipickscabs t1_iug6g10 wrote
Dude same I’m not even the guy you commented to. Read my comment again and tell me if you really wanna take it seriously. Come on bro hahaha
smart_underachievers t1_iug72x9 wrote
God tier.
dude_who_could t1_iug73j4 wrote
You don't abbreviate that.
[deleted] t1_iug7ybt wrote
Black-Maicoh t1_iug8781 wrote
A combo I discovered was a barbecue chicken, bacon, jalapeno, and pineapple pizza. Ticks off some boxes.
Aprikoosi_flex t1_iug9ac6 wrote
Looks so damn good!!
brookepride t1_iuge5kc wrote
I recommend baking, toasting, or grilling the pineapple first
shifterphights t1_iuge6qc wrote
Ohhhh pineapple, booty, and Jalapanos!
Visualprophet t1_iugexqk wrote
Japs on a Hawaiian? Call that a pearl harbor pizza. I'll show myself out.
Dear-Dragonfruit-133 t1_iugf03h wrote
Ngl you had me in the first half
the_pedigree t1_iugf2cl wrote
Replace the bacon with pancetta or prosciutto and it’s absolutely perfect.
itchinyourmind t1_iugg2ul wrote
I find the title irrationally annoying.
10speedbike t1_iuggyd6 wrote
I have only one word for this. Ohfuckyea
tactical_narcotic t1_iughvu4 wrote
one of the best combos.
ReeducedToData t1_iugi8tn wrote
It itches my mind
shadyShiddu t1_iugibz8 wrote
I'm a simple man. I see jalapenos on pizza i upvote
Crakkerz79 t1_iugicon wrote
Capicola, bacon, pineapple and banana peppers are one of my favourites.
KittinBubbles t1_iugj11i wrote
It had PBJ in the title... That is why.
RecklessWreck87 t1_iugknmh wrote
This is my ideal pizza
Additional-North-683 t1_iuglde7 wrote
You have committed several crimes in Italy
hawkgolfer t1_iugmpf3 wrote
That looks gas
TotallyTopSecret816 t1_iugnmzg wrote
>you unseasoned chicken wing
I...I love you for this!
TashiaNicole1 t1_iugoikz wrote
That was a bit of a mind-fuck there. Lol. Awesome.
cornbreadsdirtysheet t1_iugolsy wrote
Try olives green or black instead of pickled jalapeños you’ll be hooked.
weaped t1_iugq3q8 wrote
Are you serious?
ipickscabs t1_iugq9e4 wrote
night_owl37 t1_iugqg3y wrote
Ooh, good idea.
KindleKitten309 t1_iugqhbq wrote
Omg PB and J is one of my favourite pizzas, and I will only be calling it a PB & J forever going forwards
Vyezene t1_iugqoev wrote
The J is the jalepeno 🧐
Vyezene t1_iugqqph wrote
Japaleno ~a very rare peppa
TheDirtBlock767 t1_iugsdas wrote
consumption noises
lazytanaka t1_iugsmdz wrote
My favorite
GOATluhv t1_iugvkvh wrote
😁im referencing actual pb&j
VIVXPrefix t1_iugwybh wrote
I just ate a pepperoni, bacon, jalapeno... Almost
No-Love-555 t1_iugxoz0 wrote
Why did you have to say PBJ?
FreestyleMyLife t1_iugyo2s wrote
Bubbles_the_Titan t1_iugzmlu wrote
Anchovy and pineapple with jalapeños is good.
And mushrooms and black olives. So gooood
MinnieShoof t1_iugzyb7 wrote
... I hate that you've forever ruined that initialism for me.
itchinyourmind t1_iuh2q2z wrote
saebeas t1_iuh3kj8 wrote
halmariusa t1_iuh5eor wrote
oooh, that's so nice. looks soo yummy also. enjoy your food. love from Halmari Tea.
violentpac t1_iuh5pw6 wrote
isn't amateur cheffing called cooking?
Selcotset t1_iuh6zvo wrote
best way to be! all of the dumb experiments, none of the pressure!
Sun_Beams t1_iuh7im8 wrote
Don't be 'that guy' ..
Invictu520 t1_iuha62r wrote
It is, but it sounds more fancy.
WanderWut t1_iuhcawu wrote
Dude, it quite literally says PBJ in the title, what else could it be?
ClassicTown5544 t1_iuhfjiv wrote
Yummm. Whenever I make this I use pineapple rings from a tin, and caramelise them on a grill pan before adding to the pizza
TheTrueGrizzlyAdams t1_iuhi973 wrote
Ohman I never thought of this combination and it sounds great! I may add one more "b" to the acronym when I try it though. Banana Peppers mmmmm.
7deboutez7 t1_iuhitbc wrote
I make pb&j hot wings and they straight up fuck. So I was assuming this had the same action. You swindled me. I’m down with this pizza but I’d be so much more down into a true peeb&jay. Guess I’ll just have to do it myself, pardon me.
JJK-85 t1_iuhj3qh wrote
ATinyPizza89 t1_iuhoxdq wrote
I thought the same thing lol….peanut butter and jelly
rose_colored_boy t1_iuhpea9 wrote
Would def eat that
glberns t1_iuhq3on wrote
Same. Then I realized the p was for Pineapple...
Scribblr t1_iuhr5dp wrote
Thought the same thing.
I had pb&j wings recently and they were exactly what you’re describing, Thai peanut sauce wings with some kind of fruit jam dipping sauce and they were amazing.
Aromatic_Highlight68 t1_iuhsxsl wrote
I didn't know I had to put the "/s" at the end of the sentence, so people wouldn't take it seriously.
humanityxcourage t1_iuht3tu wrote
You can’t add salt. That’s seasoning.
woopbeeboop t1_iui0aea wrote
PBJ was very misleading😭
PANDABURRIT0 t1_iui6buw wrote
And the salty!
AV01000001 t1_iui8u9w wrote
My favorite toppings! Salty from the bacon (sometimes I’ll sub pepperoni), sweet from the pineapple, spicy from the jalapeños.
Well done OP. Looks delicious.
Cucumber7777 t1_iuib1ho wrote
demon_taoist t1_iuic2c2 wrote
I thought I was the only pineapple and pepperoni heathen!
HeelsandlaceCD t1_iuictm7 wrote
Omg yes, back in the 90s it was common to get cream cheese on pineapple pizza, sofaking good
Victor_AS t1_iuidllu wrote
Found Gordon Ramsay's reddit account.
falecf4 t1_iuippv8 wrote
We are many!
Stalagmus t1_iuivus0 wrote
Such a great combo. Made even better with a sprinkle of feta 🤤
urboogieman t1_iuiwxla wrote
Do a pepper jelly. Something lower in sugar. And a teriyaki or kungpow marinade for the chicken. Damn, now my stomachs growling.
urboogieman t1_iuixd4g wrote
Holy fuck, that's a deep dive! I like it.
urboogieman t1_iuixum9 wrote
Looks like there's dozens of us judging by this post.
[deleted] t1_iujm097 wrote
ThisGirlShaya t1_iueevdh wrote
What does PBJ stand for??? Looks good!