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DanasPaperFlowers OP t1_ixvma3q wrote

That’s a great question- I don’t know! Google says “Legend has it that a Massachusetts farmer created the first cheese ball in recorded history in 1801 and presented to President Jefferson at the White House.”

I just asked my dad if he knew how the tradition started in our family and he said “I do not. Interesting question. It just seems like it was always here.”


pistolspinner t1_ixvmyho wrote

hahaha right?

i guess there are two options:

  1. cheeseballs are our progenitor species and have just always been around.

  2. that farmer somehow conned his way into the whitehouse with a pocket lint covered ball of soft cheese, and to downplay the baffle, the whitehouse worshiped the cheeseball and made it a national delicacy.