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Neat-Plantain-7500 t1_j24p1vl wrote

Where’s the ‘loaf’? Looks like blueberries are holding this up.

I bet it’s really good.


beatsnotbears t1_j255d3b wrote

GREAT JOB! I may be biased tho since I'd eat blueberries by the fistful lol


buddaycousin t1_j25hoyw wrote

This is my kind of cake: so many blueberries that it barely holds together.


kirby_karter t1_j25szrk wrote

Delicious, is it an easy bake? Any recipe to share?


shad0wing OP t1_j25vlrx wrote

I just basically looked up a blueberry loaf recipe online and made a few modifications, adding less sugar, more baking powder and a lot more berries. I had some Lemon Curd in the fridge and thought this would go well on top. My next piece I tossed it in some egg and turned it in to a French toast with the curd on it. Sometimes I don't make the best choices when drunk lol.


TheRolyns t1_j266gwh wrote

This looks unbelievably delicious!!


SylasTG t1_j26a46n wrote

Jesus, all I can think about is how I want to eat this.

Looks like it tastes great!


CodyNorthrup t1_j26ae9c wrote

I bet its amazing, looks like poison food from zelda


FlowersForMegatron t1_j26afom wrote

Look at yours. Look at that. Look at this. There’s nothin’. Look at how many blueberries your muffin has and look at how many mine has. Yours is falling apart, mine has nothing. Like everything else in this place if you don’t do it yourself it never gets done.


Inevitable_Form6424 t1_j26ayzh wrote

I’ve had COVID all week and most food sounds awful to me right now. But scrolling by this, there is nothing I would rather eat right now 🤤🫐


Humvee13 t1_j26cfsg wrote

That dude from “Casino” approves


Allykitty85 t1_j26w580 wrote

This looks like a galaxy cake somehow 😂 bet it's delicious!


spottedram t1_j278dln wrote

Be still my stomach. Oh for a large slice of this with coffee. Kudos 👍


emkay99 t1_j278z25 wrote

Oh, god. . . . Suddenly, I'm STARVING for something like this, but it's too late at night to go and fix anything. Those last couple of Oreos just won't do it.


Zalanox t1_j27h9me wrote

You forgot the loaf! But damn that looks good!


BogusNL t1_j27uueh wrote

That's looks moldy


drlongtrl t1_j2809ka wrote

Maybe next time, go for more of a moldy look instead.


target_newbie t1_j288xm7 wrote

Looks delicious! The color variations are beautiful too.


LordGoldenEagle t1_j28ligp wrote

Why don't people like you sell cakes in my town. All I have is Gregg's and Starbucks.


sedriyke t1_j2961pi wrote

What's a lemon curd?

Edit: looks dang tasty btw