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MayOrMayNotBePie t1_j5qhbso wrote

Finally, someone who understands which Mac n Cheese is the best. Kraft > all, and I will die on this hill.


MermaidMertrid t1_j5rxdr0 wrote

I fucking love good ol Kraft. Its only flaw is it doesn’t reheat very well at all. But I will choose it over every other boxed Mac n cheese.


shadmere t1_j5t7d7q wrote

For awhile, Kraft made buffalo macaroni and cheese. It was the best thing I may have ever eaten.

I stocked up the last time I saw those boxes, but still ran out about six years ago.



MermaidMertrid t1_j5vwabx wrote

Ooooh I love Buffalo sauce. That sounds amazing. They always discontinue the good shit 😩


frostycanuck89 t1_j5rjfgl wrote

I just had a box of Spicy Cheddar Kraft Mac n cheese myself and it was delightful.


Lonestar-Boogie t1_j5qtyhr wrote

Kraft Mac n Cheese is final meal before execution by the state worthy.


xamitlu t1_j5r31hq wrote

Now hang on. I've had some smackin mac n cheese outta the box (I like the Velveeta n shells) but kraft isn't top tops. I say that but it is so distinctive. Nothing tastes like Kraft mac n cheese, not even the little Kraft mac n cheese cups. It is so distinctive that sometimes I crave it. It is the best pairing for steak and broccoli and baked potatoes, and I don't even eat steak anymore. It is so perfect you literally can combine them and it will still be just as delicious or even more so. Kraft is somethin!


deathlokke t1_j5rolwg wrote

Personally I like Kraft Deluxe better than blue box, but to each their own.


skrimpbizkit t1_j5rxi5w wrote


Make a box of blue box, toss in one slice of American cheese. You just made kraft deluxe.