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evenmytongueisfat t1_j6l0xtz wrote

Fake cranberry byproduct IS unappetizing.

Make your own it takes like 30 minutes and no effort. Cranberries, a cup of sugar and a cup of water in a pot. Simmer and mash. Way better


Hamborrower t1_j6l3qmu wrote

The real stuff is delicious.

But... the canned stuff is also delicious.


KikiHou t1_j6lqlx2 wrote

It has a special place in my heart, along with green bean casserole.


Turtleramem OP t1_j6l4y15 wrote

Well that's just like, uh, your opinion.


evenmytongueisfat t1_j6l5ybp wrote

You forgot “man”! All jokes aside it all looks great. I’m not trying to imply I wouldn’t eat it


Calm-Reference-4046 t1_j6lbrfk wrote

"it only takes like 30 minutes" do you not see the 45 other things on the plate....?


evenmytongueisfat t1_j6lcuit wrote

Took me 30 minutes while making my spread. You know most cooktops have 4-6 burners right?


imk t1_j6li78q wrote

Anyway, you make cranberry sauce the night before.


Calm-Reference-4046 t1_j6mhgye wrote

Why can't be cranberry be the one thing she/he cheated on in making this?there's like 12 things on that plate and yall came here to whine about cranberry? Damn where's your home made turkey meal? Throw it up with 12 other things so I can whine about canned corn or something.


imk t1_j6lbpjc wrote

Trying adding a crushed chipotle pepper sometime. Makes it a smoky, spicy, sweet and sour condiment that is amazing.

My mother makes terrible turkey. I have learned a few tricks over the years


bRightOnRebbit t1_j6mtv5g wrote

Love the idea of adding a chipotle. Unfortunately, I'm bound to forget it come next year.


suffaluffapussycat t1_j6lmo7t wrote

It’s a different thing. That’s how I’d make it now. When I was 9 I wanted that blob to ploop out of a can.


Charliekeet t1_j6nkx10 wrote

And yet there are SO many who champion the can-shaped weirdness. I don’t get it. I WILL eat the jelly stuff if that’s all there is cause I love cranberry, but I’d never choose it over the non-canned alternative!


TheCarrot_v2 t1_j6ljohi wrote

Don’t know why you got downvoted. Guess the truth hurt their feelings.


welchplug t1_j6m1y2c wrote

It's not fake lol. It's just cranberry juice and cornstarch.