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t1_j5jg8gm wrote

Totes looks like a sliced baguette. You guys mean a scone when you say biscuits don’t you?


t1_j5jhlxz wrote

Lmao no to both. Biscuits are similar but not scones at all. There are about a million threads on this sub discussing this topic and at this point I’m sure you guys think you’re being clever when you say this but it’s really played out. Please get some new material.

If that’s what your baguettes look like…I’m so sorry.


t1_j5jiged wrote

Just looked up American biscuit recipes. They’re scones. The only difference is no eggs, which are basically vegetarian scones. That right hand scone looks like a sliced baguette. That’s how the top of a UK baguette looks. Not trying to hurt your feelings sweetness. That’s how they look.


t1_j5jl4b8 wrote



t1_j5jl88x wrote

Okie dokie


t1_j5jle6r wrote

Nah, they’re not lol. Things can be similar and still be completely different items. Wild concept.

And vegetarians can eat eggs. Scones with eggs are still vegetarian. Did you mean “vegan” little fella?


t1_j5jlmnf wrote

You’re totes right, I did mean vegan scones Thanks for the correction man.


t1_j5jmngw wrote

Scones aren’t typically layered. We do have crumbly biscuits as well, but they’re much less dense than scones. You’d be annoyed if you ordered a biscuit and got a scone.

Let me guess; you consider ciabatta and baguettes to be the same thing, too?

Also, most biscuits are made with milk, so not vegan.