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Antemicko t1_j6cszo6 wrote

What do you mean, while it's warm?

Did you cook the cheesecake mixture beforehand?


robotsaysrawr t1_j6cvoe2 wrote

I'm assuming by "warm" he means "not cold". Just still in that liquid state after mixing all the ingredients together.


Antemicko t1_j6cwhyi wrote

But how do you cook it then? Cheesecake needs to be baked, doesn't it?


robotsaysrawr t1_j6cwyq7 wrote

There are both bake and no-bake cheesecakes. No-bake just sets in the fridge which is why they refrigerate the balloons for 3 hours with the cheesecake mix in them.


Antemicko t1_j6cyr0e wrote

Interesting, it's still weird to word it as "warm", but thanks!


So6oring OP t1_j6d1zkw wrote

Sorry, I made it a little confusing. It was a long day of service haha. He used a little gelatin in the cheesecake mixture too because he found it's the best way to maintain it's shape. You wouldn't notice it really in the texture. But if the mix were to cool down it would set too early


Antemicko t1_j6d29ly wrote

So you used a no bake cheesecake mix, right?


Pieinthesky42 t1_j6d5lfc wrote

It’s a pretty simple recipe, I don’t know any chefs at this level that buy mixes.

I’m not a fan of no bake cheesecakes- they’re just a dense mousse. Customer like them though and there’s much more freedom in design for plating like this.


Antemicko t1_j6d5p4o wrote

No, I didn't mean a premade mix, lol.

A mix that's used for no bake cheesecake, but made by the chef himself.


ViolatedByParsley t1_j6dnc1t wrote

So a recipe?


Antemicko t1_j6dngxv wrote

Guess what happens, when you follow that recipe? You get a mix.

Idk what's up with this sub and people like you being smartasses


lily_tiger t1_j6docn2 wrote

For what it's worth, when you said "so you used a mix" I also assumed you meant premade.


Longjumping_Bid_2651 t1_j6fooqz wrote

"Mix" implies premade, bought, etc. We're not being smartasses XD If the majority reckons you're thinking of a recipe, or a premade mix, then perhaps it's common sense to others. You have a different perception, but that doesn't mean you need to be rude about it.


So6oring OP t1_j6eqzm0 wrote

Wasn't a mix, it's our pastry chef's recipe. This was all made from scratch.


Jaxxxi t1_j6d0ptp wrote

For no bakes, the filling still has to be room temp to mix cream cheese in with the other ingredients. It ends up room temp/warm, otherwise it would be a struggle getting the cream cheese mixed