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kittenx66 t1_j4t0q4d wrote

These are my go to toppings!! I can't believe I found someone else who has the same exact pizza as me! ❤️


12Peppur t1_j4t0t9b wrote

Hope you dint eat all that yourself. If so your on a one way ticket to gout. I seen how much salt people eat and I can only imagine the pain they’ll be in soon. Pizza looks decent


HauntedGhostAtoms t1_j4t3a01 wrote

Are there bones in anchovy from the can? Do you just eat them with bones inside?


HauntedGhostAtoms t1_j4t43ns wrote

I've always been tempted to try them but I've never eaten anything with a head still. You made it look delicious!


jonatton______yeah t1_j4t59s3 wrote

Love anchovies but, damn, they're so salty. Never had a pizza that made it work. But yours looks fantastic. Well done.


metbass t1_j4tabt9 wrote

We know what you actually took a picture of!

Those cute savages! Omg they'd fuck that pizza up. It wouldn't stand a chance!

Nice pizza thoughgif


reward72 t1_j4tdoza wrote

I needed a glass of water after looking at that picture.

I’d love a slice…


5ouleater1 t1_j4trm7i wrote

Yo, did you use your phone to take this photo? If so, it's pretty damn good quality.


drcoxmonologues t1_j4u3uzz wrote

That’s my ideal pizza but minus the olives. Gonna be salt overload with olives too.


dj92wa t1_j4uczyn wrote

Anchovies rock. Regarding all fermented and fishy foods, I've always jokingly said that it's too tasty for many people to handle. They think they don't like it, but it's really just their taste buds being overwhelmed and they don't know how to process the sensation of tasting perfection. This is all of course scientifically false and everyone is allowed their flavor preferences, but it's fun to jest in kind :D


huniojh t1_j4utmhu wrote

It being rectangular did not even strike me as indicative of any style, over here (Norway), homemade is always rectangular. Fits better into the pan that way too.

I'd assume most homemade pizzas would be rectangular? Unless you're an enthusiast with a dedicated wood burning brick oven maybe?


daveescaped t1_j4uuyml wrote

Rectangular pan, Wisconsin Brick Cheese blend, cheese spread to the edge of the pan, thick crust. That’s pretty much a Detroit style pizza. It’s not complicated to make. We also often use cup pepperoni.

Can you send me more crisp bread and some yjetost? I’m almost out.


postedUpOnTheBlock t1_j4v45g4 wrote

I never knock a food until I try it. I tried the anchovies on pizza, but I really didn’t like it at all. Is it supposed to be really salty. Maybe it’s because I got it from dominoes.