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IvanJustIvan t1_ja95saw wrote

This is what happens when companies put Human Resources in charge of every decision


dmj9 t1_ja95y8i wrote

Looks like they owe you a DVD player also


The-Dudemeister t1_ja972dj wrote

Most computer stuff comes with a manual on a CD. even cars.


elnerdometalero t1_ja9796a wrote

Knowing how companies are these days I wouldn’t be surprised if they expect you to find a DVD drive or somewhere or buy it.


rlynotmyotheraccount t1_ja97rjl wrote

And there for, nor does it have a users manual. Why you making shit up? Pffffttttt


phatrogue t1_ja98bxl wrote

And the DVD is probably almost empty with an html file that points to somewhere on Kinda like a DVD/CD of a video game which just provides a barebones installer that has no actual game files but downloads the game.


blackbirdblackbird1 t1_ja98vgd wrote

No, your company provided you a laptop and the materials that came with it.

HP ironically included a disc for a laptop that doesn't have a disc drive.


Legitimate-Poetry553 t1_ja997l7 wrote

Lol no they don’t. Maybe 10 years ago. CD manuals were an attempt to promote themselves as a green company by using less paper. Except the CD degrades into dust in 500 years va the paper which can biodegrade in weeks. The most you’ll get these days is a print out with a QR code to link the manual from their website.


peters-mith t1_ja9al91 wrote

This manual is for a laptop with a CDROM reader. If you have a laptop without a CDROM reader, please refer to the online version of the manual. Just kidding, there is no online version.


jxj24 t1_ja9ao21 wrote

That's okay; the user manual's rubbish anyway.


BiBoFieTo t1_ja9bcpx wrote

IT pro here. Put the disc in a blender, then pack the bits into one of the usb-c ports.


Veganoto t1_ja9bjfr wrote

Probably some government policy for including a manual with electronic device. Policy upheld. Manual included.


schjustin t1_ja9chim wrote

That looks like a CD to me. Hahahha.


excessive_brutality t1_ja9d94x wrote

>Who even needs a manual for a laptop?

i remember when i also used to assume that everyone knows the same things i know.

things are much less exhausting now, operating under the assumption that everyone is stupid. now i'm occasionally pleasantly surprised by people, instead of incessantly disappointed by them


ionhowto t1_ja9e4jp wrote

Good job HP marketing department for this mention


Skyblacker t1_ja9e9rz wrote

This reminds me of an employer who distributed training videos on VHS tape in 2006. Only my coworker who lived with his parents and their ancient home theater could play it. Everyone else was limited to DVD players. My own home only had a computer with DVD-ROM.


xiaxian1 t1_ja9f6le wrote

The disc says copyright 2018. How old is the laptop they gave you?


ItsaNoyfb1 t1_ja9fikq wrote

Intelligent design or the owners braindead kid runs I.T.?


kildemoles t1_ja9frzd wrote

Classic HP. They even give away CDs with their monitors..


Level_Network_7733 t1_ja9fws9 wrote

Oh that? Those are from the really old laptops, not yours. HP is going green by handing these off to the consumers so they don't have to pay to recycle them.


COD79 t1_ja9g0cw wrote

1st world problems here.


daveescaped t1_ja9hri9 wrote

Uh, durr! You’re supposed to listen to it on your Walkman! Hello!


Artist-FA-Chekki- t1_ja9jjy1 wrote

Did you roll up the cart with company tv and dvd player to your desk and watch the video?


Jnoper t1_ja9kuy4 wrote

Wait you guys don’t have laser eyes for reading cds?


Suissetralia t1_ja9m5ko wrote

The logo on the computer looks like is giving you the middle finger


ApotheounX t1_ja9nev4 wrote

Dafuq you talking about? I've prepped hundreds of HP G6/G8 (this laptop, or similar). Every single one of them has this CD in the box, and I usually don't bother removing it before repacking and giving it to a new employee. HR has nothing to do with it, so you're on some weird tangential crusade.

If OP got the whole laptop box, that makes sense. If someone handed him the laptop, it was probably a new guy who didn't know to just throw the CD away.

Can't say for sure why HP does it, but there's probably a requirement for them to ship a manual with each product, and a CD is probably a cheaper way to fulfill that requirement.


Bitch__McConnell t1_ja9qomz wrote

This is what happens when IT doesn't give a shit if there is a disk included in the box. Just throw it away, it came from HP like that, all IT did was open the box to put an image on the laptop and then mail it to the user.


Puzzleheaded-Nose607 t1_ja9t7pi wrote

I guess they want you to put the DVD and play it before starting with laptop.


NetITGeeks t1_jaabn8a wrote

I do but not because I am an end-user but because I work in the IT.

We read those usually on online KB databases not on CDs. Sometimes IBM send printed copies of their mainframe even today. We read it so you don't have to. LOL


JimJohnes t1_jaac3ui wrote

Says "Copyright 2018" so there is probably no such model anyway. Also internet.


GHOFinVt t1_jaae7x8 wrote

Don't feel bad, I bought a used 1996 BMW R850R motorcycle, The owners manual is on a CD but the bike doesn't have a CD player.


zstandig t1_jaahqh3 wrote

Ask for a company provided external optical drive :P


Tathas t1_jaaiq5l wrote

My dad gifted me a CD of music his friend had created. I don't have a single CD player in my house or either mine or my wife's car.


MurasakiBunny t1_jaaj9rb wrote

There's a reason why they stopped putting cup holders into my computers.


WastingO2 t1_jaatwp9 wrote

That sucks you didnt get the america online disc also :(


BigFunShow t1_jab6l6g wrote

If you knew how to use the laptop you wouldn't need the DVD


wickedwitt t1_jabisy9 wrote

Not everyone has unrestricted access to the internet at their workplace; nor a robust enough SHIT dept to handle menial tasks such as installing and updating software for hardware replacements.


blackbirdblackbird1 t1_jabn8dn wrote

I think you missed the point. OEM drivers for computer monitors, and honestly most standard peripherals (mostly USB devices), have not been needed for at least 2 decades since Windows started shipping with basic drivers pre-installed.


onomatopoetix t1_jabq0nq wrote

offtopic, ever since their new stylization of the logo, it now looks like a cheap china knockoff, liji


danhoyuen t1_jabsxvj wrote

i like to point out their logo design is really cool when you think about how it evolved from hp to the now really simple offset lines.


Jamie00003 t1_jacbe2b wrote

This stuff can normally be found on their website.

Also we use HP elite books at work too, pretty good laptops


Fat_Poor_POS t1_jad3eaz wrote

He probably is the type of manager who wants you to figure it out


minu-minu-meow t1_jadbr34 wrote

That's the catch, You should buy the hardware separately so they earn from that too 😎


ZiggyFrancisco t1_jadg5o7 wrote

My prebuilt pc also came with a driver disc, no disc drive. Bought an external USB disk drive. Pretty sure I didn't even need it.


n_bumpo t1_jadn6wx wrote

That is because it is an HP product. And therefore it is shit from a shit company.