Submitted by A_Specific_Hippo t3_122o6y4 in funny
ftl3000 t1_jdqzkgv wrote
Oh I would definitely go along with that. What a story to tell.
E123334 t1_jdqzsty wrote
No phone calls, it interferes with the flux capacitor.
randytc18 t1_jdqzvak wrote
Make a fake email just to get some more details!
ZevVeli t1_jdr05ys wrote
Wow this post brings back memories. Fun fact the ad this is referencing actually inspired a Rom-Com back in 2012
lazyshaver t1_jdr28ka wrote
Is he paying or just treasure you find?
sinncab6 t1_jdr2kuu wrote
I'm thinking this person is a liar and has done it more than once since the first one was in the 80s long before Gmail.
johnsadventure t1_jdr2wcc wrote
This ad’s reference goes much further back than a 2012 movie, from the Wikipedia link: > The film was inspired by a joke classified ad that ran in Backwoods Home Magazine in 1997.
imposterioso t1_jdr327x wrote
Watch the movie Safety Not Guaranteed - it's great!
Notinyourbushes t1_jdr32rd wrote
"Now take your clothes off, put on this blindfold and get in the time machine."
"It's just a cardboard box."
ZevVeli t1_jdr37v9 wrote
Yeah, that's what I said, the ad from 1997 that this ad os referencing inspired the 2012 movie.
Dirtyspaceman69 t1_jdr3exy wrote
I've just come-back from 2024. It's not good. I'm going back to 1989.
Ayahuasca-Dreamin t1_jdr3k2q wrote
Are you responsible for bringing a pair of black Nike Decades
TripleSingleHOF t1_jdr3s9m wrote
Fun fact:
This ad from 1997 actually inspired the 2012 movie Safety Not Guaranteed.
TheCoolDean t1_jdr4bie wrote
let’s gooooooo
aDudeFromDunwall t1_jdr4pbh wrote
Id join but request thé first stop we make is at stephen hawking’s party
[deleted] t1_jdr5yu8 wrote
Moppermonster t1_jdr6wns wrote
"I am stuck!"
"Now call me stepbro"
Twisted_Wrench t1_jdr7049 wrote
garamond89 t1_jdr7kni wrote
An excellent movie
Electronic-Injury-15 t1_jdr7y5h wrote
Uncle Rico?
Own_Objective_9310 t1_jdr8ezd wrote
Hard No
003402inco t1_jdrawlu wrote
I think so too. Very underrated. Aubrey Plaza and Mark Duplass did a great job on this.
KCInArlingtonVA t1_jdrbmq4 wrote
For every second that passes you have traveled in time.
HyBear t1_jdrc5r2 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdrc96j wrote
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[deleted] t1_jdrcau0 wrote
LifesGlitch t1_jdrd9gy wrote
Anyone heard of the movie "safety not guaranteed"?
consistentlynsistent t1_jdrdgnv wrote
Umm anyone got that email or PO box? I could totally use some treasure and even some adventure too
y0shman t1_jdrdhlf wrote
I only saw it once. I remember wishing they left the ending more ambiguous.
Itsascrnnam t1_jdre33e wrote
Brain_Hawk t1_jdrfiw0 wrote
This was not in his local paper, this is from many years ago
DannyDoubleTap47 t1_jdrjxmm wrote
Oh I see how it is redacting the email. Just wanna go back in time yourself 😭lol
markiethefett t1_jdrk2jk wrote
Send location.
EnsignAwesome t1_jdrlevb wrote
Yeah the wording is all wrong. You really need "safety not guaranteed" for a proper homage.
Duffman66CMU t1_jdrm8ih wrote
So, here’s the thing about time travel. It’s also got to be time and space travel. Since the universe is rapidly expanding and Earth and the whole solar system are moving, traveling backward in time would likely leave a person in the same exact place, however many years ago. Unfortunately, Earth was not in the same exact place however many years ago.
Ergo, a time traveler could end up inside a star, in freezing cold space, or in the path of a comet or other celestial body. Perhaps that’s why we never hear from them.
I propose a time and space traveling expedition. If anyone has the tech, I have the theory.
garamond89 t1_jdrmjon wrote
I have to rewatch it, I cannot clearly remember the ending.
marcovanzant t1_jdrn6ti wrote
This must be Will Ferrell organizing another trip to the Land of the lost. Count me in 😆
FeistySheepherder771 t1_jdro1kl wrote
Did you go?? You should go in the future and tell us if it gets better
-eumaeus- t1_jdroe70 wrote
Great movie. I saw it in 1921.
Ibwitchu t1_jdrolbo wrote
I am in.
wanszai t1_jdrphjm wrote
Thats why you have to hit 88mph silly. Everyone knows that.
MonkeysOnMyBottom t1_jdrqt2x wrote
If you time travel at reasonable speeds your momentum and Earth's gravity takes care of most of the space travel part. For instance I just moved forward on minute and had no issues with the earth being millions of miles away. It's like taking an icy curve while driving.
MonkeysOnMyBottom t1_jdrr4hf wrote
While you're back there can you stop 9/11?
MonkeysOnMyBottom t1_jdrr8jc wrote
The real treasure is the friends you make along the way
Gruppet t1_jdrrjs9 wrote
Yeah the ending wasn’t great. Would have been so much better if they left it up to you to decide. But it’s still totally worth watching
Lucky_Baseball176 t1_jdrsk2o wrote
Yes it was. Very underrated
thrownawaz092 t1_jdrsm3x wrote
WTF! Why'd you cover the contact info!?
links311 t1_jdrthu2 wrote
True. Was close duplication so it gets my hat nod.
nospmiSca t1_jdru8yv wrote
Will only living weapons pass through the time gate? Or can I bring anything?
Valravn_Zoo t1_jdrx2i5 wrote
Whang's "Tales from the Internet" on this ad
johnny_johnny_johnny t1_jdrxutb wrote
You have also set your personal best record for consecutive seconds lived.
Jbruce63 t1_jds1jxl wrote
Just fly to Asia and jump forward one day...😊
muchnikar t1_jds2owv wrote
Gmail came out in 04 wasnt this from like 97..?
McMacHack t1_jds2u4d wrote
Hey Nerd where's the beer? By the way they prove Hawking Radiation is real after you die.
goose_gladwell t1_jds5ilb wrote
I wonder how many people out there believe they are time travelers… its definitely not zero!
Gamemode_Cat t1_jds5wou wrote
New headcanon: time travel is real and they did show up to his party, but they bullied him so he never told anyone
Unhappy-Valuable-596 t1_jds8nfg wrote
How have you tested this theory?
TheDiabolical t1_jds9ctb wrote
It actually goes back way further than 2012. The original ad was from 1997.
ZevVeli t1_jds9l55 wrote
Why are people insisting on correcting me with information that I have already mentioned?
MatataTheGreat t1_jdsa2fw wrote
Sign me up. I can leave everything behind.
TheDiabolical t1_jdsa7b6 wrote
It actually goes back much further than the second time you mentioned the information.
SmarticusRex t1_jdsajtx wrote
Maybe he's traveling to the future at the speed of 60 minutes per hour.
DarkDepth2000 t1_jdscqub wrote
I wanna see the first murder
OnlyMortal666 t1_jdsdf7u wrote
“We’ll go back a few more years and prevent your first book from getting published.”
AltAccount31415926 t1_jdsdsgw wrote
I would like to point out that this was originally written in the 1990s for a magazine ad.
Gamemode_Cat t1_jdse9gk wrote
What first book? ;)
grahamcrawley t1_jdseyuw wrote
Stephen Hawkings hosted a time travellers party where he sent out the invitations after the party 😂
[deleted] t1_jdsfl7v wrote
[deleted] t1_jdsg0ei wrote
J3lf t1_jdsh0me wrote
Post the email, I'm down!
OddManufacturer9327 t1_jdshlou wrote
The doctor got so desperate and lonely that they have to revert to advertising.
Retroguy16bit t1_jdsiau2 wrote
John Titor?
Retired_Jarhead55 t1_jdsie3r wrote
Ernest Shackleton advertised for a crew sailing to the Antarctic telling them to expect to not come back. Their ship was frozen into the ice for more than two years and he brought his entire crew home alive.
[deleted] t1_jdsjej1 wrote
ssp25 t1_jdsknqc wrote
Let me help you out... It's from an ad in 1997
ssp25 t1_jdskqo9 wrote
Yeah to add on to this. I think an ad in a newspaper might have started this..I think in the 90s
Legion357 t1_jdsm0wv wrote
Sounds like the advertisement from Heinlien’s book Glory Road.
rain_awareness t1_jdsmcqz wrote
Imagine paying for an ad, just to have someone black out the necessary contact information.
ZevVeli t1_jdsmdy6 wrote
And people say Tumblr only has three jokes...
Comrade14 t1_jdsn520 wrote
Safety not guaranteed
[deleted] t1_jdsopya wrote
AutoModerator t1_jdsoq2v wrote
Please do not post email addresses on /r/Funny (even if they're fake).
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1mJustALurk3r t1_jdsrbkp wrote
So OP just found this in their local paper?
VHDT10 t1_jdswkq8 wrote
We're going to travel forward in time at the speed of time!!
weedgay t1_jdsx8i7 wrote
FahQPutin t1_jdsz16u wrote
Same... Didn't have the budget to pull off what they tried...
I enjoyed the film though
butterknifejogger t1_jdt1vx6 wrote
I'm down. I'll only go back in time though, not forward. Pretty sure it's gonna be a shit show...
gum_and_comics t1_jdt24jn wrote
This is not the original ad from 1997. This is just a tribute.
Here's the text from the original ad:
>Wanted: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O. Box 91 Ocean View, WA 99393. You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. I have only done this once before. SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED.
[deleted] t1_jdt2hr7 wrote
When they find someone that ad will first have been published on a dino hide 70 million years ago.
Odd_Needleworker_104 t1_jdt35e9 wrote
Wasn’t there a movie about this?
Duffman66CMU t1_jdt4x82 wrote
Not in practice
edweird_oh t1_jdt4y3n wrote
ex-big_bag_of_dicks t1_jdt96ph wrote
Can we hold hands?
ChainRuleGang t1_jdtalbu wrote
Interestingly I feel the exact same way about the movie Creep which also has Mark Duplass
werf_mich_weg t1_jdtbnka wrote
Would you go to a lame party made by the lamest group of people? Especially since you know that nobody else ever showed up?
I say we party with Jesus and then ride a dinosaur. Maybe watch the heat dead of the universe afterwards. Maybe the big bang.
LuckyPockets t1_jdtbuyz wrote
A: We're going 10 minutes into the future!
B: How long will it take?
A: 10 minutes!
aDudeFromDunwall t1_jdtc6b2 wrote
Beer? Im bringing my friends jack and daniel
aDudeFromDunwall t1_jdtc852 wrote
Nah we will make him drink enough that he forgets the whole thing
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_jdtdhw4 wrote
What happened at the end?
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_jdtdkw2 wrote
Freemasons run the country! 🎶
insufferableninja t1_jdte757 wrote
They time traveled
lloydsmith28 t1_jdtfwb4 wrote
Wonder what time he's going to
sb929604 t1_jdtg4u4 wrote
One of the first “talkies”
bmbmwmfm t1_jdtgg53 wrote
If there's a blue police box and a quirky British mate involved, sign me up!!!
[deleted] t1_jdtjsvg wrote
NFASMG t1_jdtmeey wrote
This has been going on for decades.
ihate360 t1_jdtmzfv wrote
theartfulcodger t1_jdtny6v wrote
“Email enquires will be answered promptly: in fact, the day before you post them.”
Darth_Lousy t1_jdtpjdt wrote
I'll take a time machine back to 2004 when this was funny.
Madogu t1_jdtx7g1 wrote
Was hoping this would show up
FlyingTerrier t1_jdtxame wrote
This is from a movie.
cow1337kills t1_jdty1zj wrote
That sounds like some pretty strong shit!
Mr_Show t1_jdu1y6s wrote
Midas_Artflower t1_jdu5i4y wrote
We watched Safety Not Guaranteed again just last weekend. Such a good time with such a great twist. Aubrey Plaza for the win!
itsallalittleblurry t1_jdu7cip wrote
Don’t think this is legit. No mention of references, prior experience, or a resume.
Dusty_Coder t1_jdu9lo9 wrote
It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the time travel potion again.
Watthefractal t1_jduaocm wrote
Why redact his email ? , I’m interested and have many weapons 🤷♂️
blackmachine7 t1_jdub0er wrote
Im pretty sure this involves mushrooms or acid
Burrito-Mage t1_jducpb3 wrote
Was about to mention this!
inquiry100 t1_jduep7r wrote
I actually do know how to build a machine to travel through time and space. Oddly enough, the way it works is totally in accord with generally accepted physics theories even though people often say -- incorrectly -- that time travel is not possible in physics. The basic idea is simple in theory. Build a spacecraft with a particle accelerator for a propulsion system. This can accelerate the spacecraft to a significant percentage of the speed of light. According to relativity theory, this would cause occupants of the spacecraft to experience less passage of time than on Earth. They would, in effect, time travel to the future. This could involve traveling hundreds of years into the future. There are three issues with this. First, it would be very expensive to build because it has to be in space. Second, traveling to the future seems clearly possible, but my idea on how to travel to the past is somewhat more controversial so it might be a one-way trip. Third, I'm not sure relativity theory is actually correct. Nobody will listen to me, but there is an error in the definition of energy used by physicists and it is relevant to the theory of relativity.
swiggert t1_jdugdl7 wrote
Underrated comment.
nexstosic t1_jdur9sa wrote
So, what weapons? Shurikens, katana, chainsaw, firearm, submachine gun?
WhimsicalHamster t1_jdus5xy wrote
Shit I’d contact this dude in a heartbeat. Get paid and maybe even time travel? Plus I can go in armed so I’m safe if he’s trying to harvest me? Aaaand possible treasure? This has Seattle vibes
Emotional-Lemon-63 t1_jduu9ow wrote
But why did you blur out the email? I wanted to go 🙁
aDudeFromDunwall t1_jdv0387 wrote
Bro. We litteraly have all the time in the world. Also How about partying with jesus ON a dinosaur.
OldBob10 t1_jdv1yms wrote
Sounds legit.
Technical_Access_943 t1_jdv4dkp wrote
I am seeing it now in 2033.
schwifty38 t1_jdv7o86 wrote
Oh so this should be like in a current events sub then huh?
OnlyMortal666 t1_jdvzcd5 wrote
“We’ll also go back and tell Fred Hoyle the truth”
Cheese_Pancakes t1_jdw36y0 wrote
Was going to say that this reminded me of that movie. Now I know why.
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