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t1_jebyj1n wrote

Why do you have an electrical soap dispenser?


t1_jec2vf1 wrote

Don't you realize how much work is involved in getting soap out of a non-electrical dispenser? And the time it takes to reach for it and push the thingy down to get the soap to come out? It's exhausting.


t1_jed38as wrote

I got tired just reading all this.


t1_jee9kec wrote

Using my thumb to open Reddit was enough to cause me to fall down for a forced 6 hours of hibernation


t1_jegmzxq wrote

Sometimes I hover my hand under the soap nozzle and just have to heave an enormous sigh and give up.


t1_jec2wvx wrote

Went to a bathroom at a friend's house and they had one of these. Battery went out. Imagine not being able to wash your hands because of a battery. Absolutely stupid. It's going the extra mile to fuck the planet.


t1_jecn5om wrote

it's playing with fire without agreeing and acknowledging the fact that our kids will need to deal with disaster not comparable to any we have ever seen - that's why education should be any governemnt's priority to let us survive as human race for longer, before the real chaos comes


t1_jecdwp3 wrote

I’d want one specifically when I’m cooking with raw meat and want to wash my hands without getting the bottle/pump “meaty”


t1_jecyx5x wrote

Yeah this is why I also like the faucets with the wave/tap feature, I can just touch it with my forearm and not get everything full of raw chicken juice.


t1_jec09ds wrote



t1_jec1wko wrote

But like, you wash the hands AFTER touching the soap dispenser so who cares if its dirty?


t1_jed0d0g wrote

I consider it unnecessary, BUT have you ever seen a touch soap dispenser actually used for awhile? It gets NASTY. It's not even easy to wash off, and sometimes it's in crevices that you can't really wash if you wanted to keep it for longer.


t1_jec2mx7 wrote

Good point, it would make more sense to have a touch-free dryer instead if you're that concerned about shared contact.


t1_jec2x0o wrote

Who has a hand dryer in their house?


t1_jeepiqv wrote

I have a walkout basement with a bar, including a bathroom with a keg urinal (all of this was installed by the previous owner). I've looked up the cost to get a hand dryer just to complete the look...

It was waaaay too much for me, but I could see some truly germ-phobic people doing it.


t1_jeg4owf wrote

Keg... Urinal?


t1_jega6nj wrote

Yes! They wall mounted a keg, cut away maybe 1/4-1/3 of it, and put a drain at the bottom! There's a tap handle on the top to flush with! I love it so much.


t1_jecmuvl wrote

The now-dirty soap dispenser.

You can turn on most facets with your elbows, but pumping soap with dirty hands while trying not to get the soap dispenser wet is more of a challenge. Best used in kitchens where you are more likely to have gunk on your hands.


t1_jed2hkj wrote

OP you’re getting roasted but I got one too (on a great sale at Costco) and it’s so handy for the kitchen like when you go to wash your hands after prepping raw chicken. Also I audibly gasped when it said “should last a year or more” I would be pissed if mine didn’t last way way longer (with proper use)


t1_jecl1hg wrote

This could useful for kids to wash their hands more independently by helping them limit how much soap they use


t1_jed1i79 wrote

A serious answer could be someone with a disability may be unable to manually pump soap. Or people would prefer a hands free dispenser for hygiene purposes.

Or they do it for fun/convenience. Who knows?


t1_jecim9c wrote

Because they want to do the robot trying to get it out


t1_jecrz9w wrote

I got one for the kitchen so when I'm working with raw meat I don't have to touch the soap handle. I know technically I should always be then scrubbing my hands afterwards but it sure does feel nice.


t1_jecun2z wrote

Press the plunger with your forearm...


t1_jecw4eu wrote

That would have worked. Maybe occasionally have knocked over the dispenser since we usually had the thin ones. I like the motion activated one though.


t1_jed73hx wrote

Reduces touched surfaces because most people don't actually wash their hands they just put soap on them and then wash it off