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mykreau t1_je5d79g wrote

I get that the fingers is a funny internet game and all, but a dude with a decal on his car is likely more showing the more modern interpretation of the hand symbol; white power, alt right bullshit.


Githyerazi t1_je5es7m wrote

I don't even know what the classical interpretation should be, much less the modern one. I thought it was a decal because his car was too low to put those rubber testicles that trucks or on the trailer hitches. I personally interpret them to mean "my balls are back here, the dick is up front driving"


haterhurter1 t1_je5hekl wrote

the white power one is the right side up version. this direction that's an M not a W.


mykreau t1_je5q74u wrote

Don't know why you're all mad at me, I didn't coopt the symbol for a racist agenda and ruin your fun. That's the trouble with Nazis and bigots (among other things), they take something kinda fun and interesting, like an internet punching game, Nordic runes, the number 88, Tibetan symbols, Mazdas, comic book characters, America, etc and totally ruin it for everyone.
